✯Six✯ - The Truth

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Chapter Six

A chill breeze made way through Teresa's body, which she'd constantly tried to ignore, but the continuance made her groan as she tiredly sat on the bed she laid on a seconds ago. Her eyes located where it could be coming from. 

The sight of the glass window open greeted her, making her groan in annoyance. She turned to check if Jacob was still in the room, but there was no Jacob. There was no denying the fact this had actually been Jacob's handwork. Adding another check to the list of this she doesn't like about him. 

There was nowhere in hell they both were sharing the same bed again. She made note of asking Daniel for an extra sheet, though praying he won't find her question rather odd.

Sluggishly she removed herself from the bed, hesitating not a second to shut the window. The room took a moment to get to its normal temporary.

Teresa sighs at the comfort, but angry at the perpetrator. "Stupid fool." She cursed out, almost blinded by the need to knock some senses into the head to Jacob. She had only wished he was there with her, she'd have kicked him straight on his groin. "Dick." She cursed yet again, before walking away from the window.

Since she was up, and there was no way she could go back to sleep, she might as well step out to have her now rumbling stomach fill. Teresa only thought as of now was food, nothing gets her working but food.

Finding nothing wrong with her dressing, she immediately let herself out of the room, resisting the urge to sprint into a race straight into the kitchen.

Walking down the short hallway, she caught sight of some picture frames hanging on the wall, putting her to a stop. Teresa had no idea why she did, but she found herself intrigued to know what it could be.

The first picture she saw was a full picture of the Snow family. In the middle sat Daniel with a huge grin, by his side was his son Harry and Louisa, who happens to be Gideon and Jacob's parents. There by the side of both Daniel were the undeniably faces of Gideon and Jacob during their teenage years, with little Gina at their parents' feet.

Teresa finds herself fascinated by the beauty of the family. One looking at the picture would wish to be among the family portraits. But those rascal sons of Snow are too headstrong in succumbing to the wishes of the family.

Stupid Snow bachelors.

Her eyes trailed to the other side of the frame, the frame held the picture of mid age Daniel Snow who once again had that happy smile on his face, both his eyes pinned in the brunette woman he had his arms around. The look the petite woman gave him was undeniably the gaze of love. And with the way Daniel stared right back at her, it was love. A look every woman dreams of, a look Teresa wishes for to have one day.

"That was my grandma Teresa Snow." A voice spoke by her side. Teresa lifts her gaze up to take in the presence of a tired looking Gideon. His appearance was that of someone who found it hard to sleep at night. She only hoped it was that of guilt.

"She has my name?" She said, softly almost like a whisper, but luck enough Gideon heard her.

"Had." He corrected, "she died twenty one years ago. I only got to know her when I was still a kid. And the little I know of her, she was a very giving person." His eyes stared at the portrait she had her eyes on.

Returning her gaze back at the picture, she felt sad for poor Daniel, sometimes love hurt. She could already picture how heartbroken he must have felt then. "What happened to her?"

"Glioblastoma. Cancer of the brain. Very painful and quick death. She'd refused to get any treatment. Putting the whole family in distress, I felt she knew no matter whatever treatment she took, she still won't make it. But what can I say, I was too small to understand whatever was happening around me."

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