Chapter 7: No stomach for it

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Ranger sat me down on the sofa once we were indoors.

I was still shaking so he rubbed his hands up and down my arms; the image of the crazed man never left my head.

"I have something for you." Ranger said nonchalantly. He got up and walked into the dining room before coming back with a small black box.

He sat down and handed it to me. Managing to control the trembling in my hands, I took it from him and lifted the lid.

I breathed in as I unveiled a beautiful 3 jewelled sapphire necklace. They were cut into teardrop shapes; a small diamond hung from the centre jewel.

"...I-it's lovely." I gave him my best smile to distract the fact that I couldn't decide what to call him. I took it out the box and held it at eye level as Ranger moved my hair over one shoulder. "Haven't you spoilt me enough?"

He reached around me and took each half of the chain to fasten it around my neck. "You'll know when I've really spoilt you." He whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist before leaving long and slow kisses on my neck.

"But what's with you telling stories about me?" His hand was around my throat. "The others are scared I'll have something sticking in their stomachs..."

I felt his steady breath exhale in my ear. My heart started to thump again as the long silence increased by each beat.

I struggled to swallow as he pulled me against him. "You kind of proved that yourself when you stuck a knife in the wall this morning."

Ranger laughed softly. "I suppose so." He muttered, sliding his hand down from my neck and slipping his fingers between my breasts.

Pedro came hurrying in like a little kid on Christmas morning with a wide grin on his face. "Nightwing, we've got him on his knees with 7 broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a broken finger nail! What shall we do with him now?"

My stomach collapsed.

Ranger got to his feet and stood with his back to me. "I'll finish the job and I don't need any witnesses."

Pedro's face fell slightly. "N'aw, that's a shame Nigel. I would have loved to see you stick a table leg through his gut."

"Do you still have the basement for...visitors?"

The grin reignited. "Of course we do! It just hasn't been used in some time."

"Put him in there and I'll save you his stomach as a keepsake."

The living room echoed with laughter as I felt all the blood drain from my face. The necklace suddenly felt like a noose around my neck.

 Just one slip up....Just one...

"While I'm dealing with him, look after Stephanie. She's had quite a scare- again."

Ranger turned and held out his hand to me. Feeling as though the jewels were pressing against my windpipe, I took his hand and he pulled me from the sofa before handing me over to Pedro.

"Remember my warning."  He said softly as he watched us walk into the kitchen; Pedro's hand on my back.

"I assume, despite your previous incidents, this isn't the first you've been threatened to be killed — gutted like a fish." Pedro said idly, opening a cupboard door and taking out a couple of wine glasses.

He had sat me down on a marble bar in the far corner of the kitchen. He placed a glass in front of me before reaching under to take out a black bottle labelled with red writing.

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