Chapter 13: Eavesdropping

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The next morning I didn't want to leave the bed.

Whatever Pedro had injected me with still made me feel drowsy. Through my eyelashes, I could see Ranger getting dressed with his back to me.

I shut my eyes fully, hoping he would think I was still asleep. I couldn't face him.

A knock came from the door.

"Come in." Ranger answered.

"Buenos Dias, hermano." I recognised Ezio's voice. I felt his eyes land on me. "How is she?"

"Still recovering but the methaqualone is wearing off."

There was a short pause. "So we didn't miss anything?" There was a grin in his voice.

"No." Ranger replied bluntly.

"Meh, it was understandable. Anyway, I came to talk to you about an idea I had that came to me yesterday."

This could not be good...

"This Tuesday, we've got another shipment coming in from Colombia for a crate of teargas grenades."

Teargas grenades? Oh boy...

"But the other day, I got a message from our supplier saying that they got the Servicios Armadas a los pueblos de América del Sur close on their asses."

No idea what he had said but they were good guys right?

"I see." Ranger said. "So what's your idea?"

There was another pause that was filled with hesitance. " involves Stephanie."

Oh shit... no no no no no no no no!

Ranger spoke after another pause. "Go on."

"It hit me after Mendez had her at gunpoint- oh and nice shooting by the way; you got all three bullets right inside his gut."


"Before you arrived to the island I was trying to come up with something that would save our culos." He dithered for a beat. "To get to the point, what if we make Stephanie our insurance gridlock?"

Oh good god...

"Insurance gridlock?" Ranger repeated.

"Yeah, if we have the services on to us then we'll have a lifeline. We demand that they stay away from our island if they do not want her blood on their hands. I doubt it's likely that they would risk the life of an innocent woman; of course Stephanie won't be in any actual danger."

That depends on how you see it.

A long silence filled the room although I was sure my thumping heartbeat was giving me away on my eavesdropping.

"Good Plan." Ranger finally said. I felt his eyes land on me. "She'll actually come in useful for something besides stopping us from looking pretty."

How I managed to keep my cover after hearing that was beyond me. I wanted to burst into tears and scream at him. My heart and guts felt as though they were being stabbed repeatedly.

Ezio laughed. "I thought as much. Do you remember mi amiga, Carme?"

"No, I don't think I ever met her."

"Hmm, probably not. Anyway, Carme was as sexy as hell. She wore the right clothes, had great hair and a great body that saved me and the others from a lot of irritation. But she had to go. Down into the basement."

"How come?"

"She was a double crosser. She stole from our stock and gave it over to another supplier. When Stephanie ran off the other day, I was afraid we were going to have a similar incident."

Oh great. Another thing I have to avoid.

"Are you saying my woman is two-faced, Shades?" Ranger growled.

That did make me feel a little better...

"Relax, Nigel. When she explained everything it finally made sense to me. I should have taken the hint from...from what happened with Cortez when you two arrived on the island."

"Other than me repeating that I don't share?"

"That too," Ezio laughed. "By the way I meant to ask about those kids you bought off Alvaro and Gilberto."

"What about them?"

"You said you needed them for labour matters."


"What labour matters do you have?!" He sounded exasperated. "It's the first I've heard of it."

Another moment of silence passed before I heard Ranger starting to laugh. "I didn't mean my labour matters! If you weren't going to take them, then why waste a good opportunity?"

"...You mean you only bought them so you could sell them again?"


Everything was quiet again before some muffled sniggering came. "Ha! Christ, Nightwing. I knew we needed someone like you in our books!"

"Only because I've saved your ass more times than you can count, Shades."

"True. Where did that guy take them?"

"He's keeping them in a boathouse I use for customers. I told him no offers lower than 7K."

"Why a boathouse?"

"Only those who know how to swim can escape."

Ezio laughed evilly. "Good thinking."

Cripes...It was just getting worse and worse...

The door slammed against the wall.

The loud impact forced me to open my eyes. It was too late to close them when they locked with Ranger's.

Pedro stood in the doorway; his face lit up with excitement.

"What the hell, Pedro?!" Said Ezio, "You nearly scared the shit out of me!"

"And you woke Stephanie up too!" Ranger snarled as I sat up, holding the bedsheets to my chest.

"Lo siento, amigos, really, but me and Cortez got the guy who was snooping around last night! We caught him trying to disable the security lock on the fence!" His eyes landed on me. "He also said he wants to see Stephanie."

I froze as they all stared at me.

"M-me?" I managed to squeak.

I looked from Ezio, who looked smug, and then to Ranger.

Ranger approached my bedside, his face dark as he towered over me. "Is there something you want to tell me, Babe?"

I shook my head furiously. "No! I don't know what he's talking about!"

He grabbed me by the hair at the back of my head, making me cry out. "Then who the hell is here looking for you?!" He barked.

"I don't know!"

A growl vibrated from his throat as his grip tightened and pulled back my head. A yelp escaped me as I tried to pry off his hand.

Some slurred cursing came from the hall. There was a loud sound of a smack of flesh being stung followed by "Shut up!" from Cortez.

Pedro appeared next to us with his hand on Ranger's shoulder. "Nigel, man, chill! I think the guy knows you too because he said; Where's Stephanie?! What has the bastard put her through?!"

His grip loosened from my hair as he stared at him. "I see." He looked back at me. "Hurry up and get dressed and meet us in the kitchen."

I nodded and they all walked out the bedroom.

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