Chapter 18: Proud of you

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My senses returned as my eyes slowly opened; but all I could see was the blurry greyness of the dimly lighted basement.

All I could feel was the cold of the hard concrete and the metal biting into my skin. My fingers and toes were like ice cubes.

I felt drowsy and nauseate

My throat was dry and ached with thirst.

My head felt like it was splitting in to two.

I tried moving my arms and legs but they felt as though they had cast iron weights attached to them.

Shivers ran across my skin and goose-bumps formed all over me.

I wondered what the hell had happened until I remembered my death sentence from the man whom I thought I could trust with my life.

How long had I been down here?

Was I left to starve and dehydrate?

How long did I have to wait for my impending doom?

Despite the pain in my throat, I swallowed back a sob as tears rolled down my cheeks.

It was like Hell was brought to me. Prolonging my suffering by leaving me handcuffed to the walls of the basement, lying on the cold concrete as I wallowed in my regrets.

I thought about my family and friends. They would never know why I suddenly disappeared without a word.

I wondered what Ranger would say to them. Tell them I was shot? Got myself killed? Caught an infection that led to some tropical fever (if there was such a thing)?

I didn't know what was worse. Him killing me or him lying to everyone I loved.

There was a loud slamming sound of wood against stone and thudding of footsteps against the floor.

"Carlos, she'll be in a bad state being down here for this long!" It was a man's voice. But he sounded so far away...

"Tell me something I don't know, Bobby."

The voices became clearer. I recognised one of them which made the misery start to nibble at my insides. I closed my eyes.

Oh God. When will this torture end?!

The footsteps stopped.

"Christ Almighty! Has she been in that position all this time?!"

Wait a minute... I know that man's voice...

"She's in a skirt... She was wearing jeans when she was brought down here!"

"Oh God...You don't think...?"

"We'll worry about that later."

The slamming of soles against the hard floor bounced off the basement walls. I felt the warmth of body heat as 2 pairs of hands held my face and enclosed around my wrist.

"Stephanie? Stephanie? If you can hear me, open your eyes."

I let out a breath as I forced my eyelids open. My blurred vision eventually came into focus and I finally recognised the face of Bobby Brown, the Rangeman medic.

His eyes were wide but softened with relief. "Thank God. She's responding. But her mouth and eyes look dry. I can see chilblains starting to form on her feet."

There was a clink of metal rattling and my arm flopped down by my side. Bobby picked up my hand and pinched the back of it.

"The bastards turned the heating off after they locked her in."

I looked up just in time to see Nigel rushing around to the other side of me.

"Ranger, she's seriously dehydrated. Her skin should snap back after I pinch it but it slowly sinks back down instead. I need to hook an IV line and get some fluids in her."

"He's...not Ranger..." I whispered my voice cracked and hoarse.

"Do whatever you have to do, Bobby."

There was another clink of metal and my other arm fell beside me.

"Babe..." I was pulled away from the wall and Nigel held me in the crook of his arm. He pressed his palm against my cheek. The warmth felt soothing against my numb skin.

I searched his face. His eyes were focused. "Why didn't you kill me?"

He blinked at me. "Babe, what do you mean? I'd never-"

"Ranger, we need to get her out of here now so she can warm up." Bobby interrupted. I glanced at him and noticed he had already attached a needle and IV line into the back of my hand as he zipped up a black laptop-style bag and hung the strap over his shoulder. "You carry her while I hold the IV line."

I felt an arm slide underneath my legs and the floor disappeared beneath me. I kept my focus on to...Ranger...

He looked back at me with a tinge of sadness reflecting in his eyes. "It's over, Babe. It's all over. We're getting off this island."

I felt the relief snap the last few threads of my energy.

I blinked lazily up at him as he and Bobby climbed up the steps out of the basement. I shut my eyes at the sudden bright light. I couldn't open them.

I felt him carry me through the front door. The warm air made the coldness in my fingers and toes fade away.

"Boss!" I recognised Lester's voice. He sounded panicked. "How is she? Is she hurt?"

Ranger's arm tightened around my shoulders. "She's exhausted but she'll be ok with Bobby's help."

My eyes squinted open when I heard a car door being opened. Bobby got in followed by Ranger who sat me on his lap with my head against his shoulder.

He kissed the top of my head. "We're proud of you, Babe."

Some time had passed until the car had stopped.

When Ranger carried me out I realised we were at the same place where we first arrived to the island. A plane was waiting for us with Tank at the top of the boarding ladder.

Ranger and Bobby climbed up to meet him.

Tank looked at me with a look of both sympathy and carnality. "Hey Steph." He said with grin.

I gave him a weak smile back.

Ranger set me down on chair while Bobby hung the IV bag on to the headrest of the chair next to me and reclined my seat into a comfortable position.

He felt my pulse. "It's a little weak but the fluids will help with that. Do you feel sick, Steph? Headache? Any pains?"

I nodded my head with the little strength I could muster.

"Okay, I'll give you some pain relief in a little while after the IV bag is empty. But in the meantime, we need to get something in your stomach."

The plane was in the air by the time the bag was empty.

Ranger had stayed by my side, holding up bottles of orange juice I drank from through a straw as well as covering his hand over mine in a gentle clasp.

My head was throbbing and I was more than thankful when Bobby gave me the pain relief regardless of his warning that it tasted terrible and would knock me out in half an hour.

Ranger kept a hold of my hand.

I didn't know how to feel about that, but my energy levels were too low for me to protest.

I studied his face. It was clean of any emotion but his eyes gave him away. I saw remorse, hurt and empathy.

The pain relief had started to kick in; my eyelids grew heavy and I started to feel drowsy.

"Sleep it off, Babe." He whispered.

The last thing I remembered was Ranger picking up and kissing the back of my hand with a gentle hold.

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