We were robbed by a tiny bird

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A Lying Witch and Warden Pt 1

A witch with green hair is shown backflipping unto a ledge in some type of volcano land. She glares up at a large purple snake dragon hybrid.

"Foolish child! I could swallow you whole!" the monster yelled before hissing at the witch.

She stared at the monster bravely as she spoke " Do not underestimate me, Gildersnake, for I am the Good Witch Azura, warrior of peace!" After her proclamation, she posed as the wind blew her hair. She then quickly dropped into a battle stance holding her staff like a bazooka "Now eat this, sucka!" she pulled a trigger, and magic fireballs were rapidly fired out.

The newly dubbed 'Gildersnake' recoiled while being shot " No! My only weakness: dying!" and with those final words collapsed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"And that's the end". An older Luz is shown holding an Azura doll.

"The end of what?" Camila, Luz's mom asked. [Y/N]'s foster mom shook her head slowly in defeat. This was not the first time that she and Camila had been summoned on their kids' behalf, and only God could know if this was ever going to end.

[Y/N] spoke nervously, still holding the snake in his hand "That was the end of our book report." Luz smiled innocently "I think we knocked it out of the park."

Principal Hal looked at the two teens, "You guys' book report is the reason you both are here." In the background, chaos erupted as students ran around with snakes on their heads.

"Oh, that's where the backup snakes were," Luz said, still keeping on her adorable innocent look throughout the entire fiasco.

[Y/N] slunk deeper into his chair. 'Please Lady Fate, if you have any pity on us, please let her not have found it.' he prayed. But of course whoever heard of things going according to plan with these two involved.

[F/M] came forward, "And what were you two going to do with this?" She then held up several firecrackers that had been tied together.

The two both looked down as they replied "That was for the Act Three closer."

Camila came in front of Luz and knelt down, " Mija, I love your creativity, but it's gotten out of hand." [F/M] stood beside her looming over [Y/N] like a brooding angel of death. "Look [Y/N] I know Luz is your best friend but I agree with Camila. Do you two remember why we were in this position the last 3 times?"

Flashback 1:

We see Luz on stage at an audition for Romeo and Juliet, holding a spork as she stabs herself with it.

" O happy dagger, give me death!" she yells and then tears her dress open causing several links of sausages fall out before she falls and pretends to die

[Y/N] appears on the other side of the stage clapping and cheering while everyone runs away in terror.

Flashback 2:

Luz and [Y/N] were both in art class. [Y/N] had made a strangely beautiful but quite terrifying sculpture of a cat and moth hybrid , while Luz had just made a baby griffin with spiders crawling out of its mouth.

"Now it's real.", Luz said while admiring her project. [Y/N] looked over and smiled slightly. "Pretty cool, but  now it can battle with my Kill-a-moth."

He then held his sculpture up proudly, "The perfect mixture of cuteness and death." he announced while everyone screamed and threw objects due to the spiders crawling around

My Light (Luz Noceda x Male Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat