Part 25

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"Good, now could you let go of my clavicle, a client is waiting for her new drum set" Evelyn explain and Nico let go of her shoulder and they both gave each other a quick smile before going their separate ways, Nico clocking in and Evelyn finishing her shift


Thankfully you didn't have to wear a uniform at the Music Store, cause when Evelyn and Zoe finished their shift, they didn't have to run home to change clothes, they were now walking to the town square where they were gonna meet Alice

"So what are we gonna do once we meet up with Alice?" Evelyn asked

"Well we were planning on maybe getting some ice cream and then just walk around the city, how does that sound?" Zoe explained

"Sounds good" Evelyn answered, they talked the rest of the way until they reached the town square, Alice was sitting in a bench looking at her phone so she didn't noticed Evelyn or Zoe coming up to her, Zoe quickly but quietly went behind the bench as Evelyn followed behind, Zoe leaned on bench resting her arms on top of the backrest, Evelyn did the same thing on the other side

"You texting your girlfriend?" Zoe asked and Alice jumped at the sound of Zoe's voice and turned around to see both Zoe and Evelyn standing on either side of her

"Zoe! Evelyn! I didn't see you there" Alice said while putting her phone away

"Well how could you if you were gripping on your phone like it was an newborn baby" Zoe commented "who's got you so flustered?" Zoe asked sitting next to her on the bench, Evelyn was now interested and sat down too

"Oh it's just this girl I've been talking too for a while" Alice answers dismissively "anyways let's get going" she said getting up, Zoe and Evelyn looked at each other and the both let out a soft laugh before getting up too


Evelyn, Alice and Zoe are at the ice cream shop,   After they got their ice cream, they sat around a little round table

"Our of all flavours.. you chose bubblegum?" Zoe pointed out to Evelyn but she just shrugged

"Just because it's not popular doesn't mean I can't like it" Evelyn pointed out scooping up a spoonful of ice cream and eating it

"Cant argue with that logic" Alice pointed out and Zoe looked at them both and shrugged before continuing eating her ice cream

"So...Alice" Zoe began and Evelyn smiled when she realized what she was going to say "can you tell us more about this girl?" Zoe asked with a smirk on her face

"Like i said it's just a girl I met a few days ago and we've been talking for a while and that's it" Alice said still as dismissive as before but Evelyn and Zoe were not giving up

"Come one Alice you have to tell us something" Evelyn insisted, she was having a good time with Zoe and Alice, it's been a long time since she got to sit around and hang out with "just the girls", she was quite enjoying it, that was until

"Well if I have to tell you about my love life the you have to tell us about yours? Alice pointed out to Evelyn who just looked at her confused

"You know what she's right" Zoe agreed

"What are you talking about?" Evelyn said messing with the ice cream on the cup

"Oh come on as if you can't feel the tension between you and douxie"  Alice pointed out and, Evelyn's eyes widened and by accident her magic activated and her spoon started floating in mid air, Zoe and Alice noticed and Zoe immediately grabbed the spoon and slammed it against the table

"You're magic too?!" Alice whisper yelled as the three of them leaned into the table

"We've known each other for months how come we never figured this out?" Zoe asked quietly

"Douxie has got to tell us this things!" Evelyn whisper yelled

"Yeah this really doesn't seem like the thing you forget to mention" Alice pointed out as they all leaned back, they looked at each other before they all fell into a fit of laughter, after a few seconds they all calmed down

"We should do this more often" Zoe said grabbing her ice cream

"I agree" Alice said with a smile on her face, making Evelyn smile too


It's been an hour and Evelyn, Zoe and Alice were walking around the town, talking about anything at all

"You know Evelyn, you never really answered our question" Alice pointed out

"And your question was...." Evelyn said with confusion in her voice

"About you and douxie of course" Zoe cut in smiling

"First of all, that wasn't a question it was a statement, second... there's nothing going on between me a douxie" Evelyn stated but Zoe and Alice weren't buying it

"You too hang out together basically every chance you get, you cannot tell me that you don't have any feelings for him" Zoe said and Evelyn hesitate before answering

"I don't like douxie" Evelyn stated, they all stopped walking when Alice and Zoe stood in front of Evelyn

"Why did you hesitate?" Zoe asked

"I didn't hesitate" Evelyn said a little nervous

"You totally hesitated" Alice remarked

"Look even IF I like douxie there's no way he likes me back" Evelyn said and Zoe and Alice looked at her surprised

"The man took his time to find an English copy of a 1000 page spell book, then he went through the ENTIRE book, taking notes and annotating the entire thing just to make it easier for you to learn magic" Alice exclaimed looking up at Evelyn, her voice was low so that people on the street wouldn't hear them talking about magic "I don't think that's something you do for someone you 'don't like'" Alice finished raising her voice and air quoting the last bit

Evelyn kept quiet trying to come up with an excuse, Evelyn looked at Zoe for help

"I'm not gonna lie she got you there" Zoe said raising her hands and backing away in defeat, Evelyn sighs

"Well what do I do now?" Evelyn asked

"You have too tell him,when the moment is right, the worst that can happen is getting rejected" Zoe told her and Evelyn seem a little confused

"And how am I supposed to know when the moment is right" Evelyn asked

"Trust me when the moment comes, you'll know" she said putting a hand on Evelyn's shoulder "and that goes for you too" she continued pointing to Alice

"And tell me all about it when it happens, our conversations bring me joy in life" she finished smiling

Enchantment: tales of arcadia (douxie x OC) *temporarly discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now