Part 23

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Douxie might be injured and exhausted, but just an hour just talking with Evelyn just made it all better for some reason, maybe he just really likes her company, but it's weird he only feels this way with just Evelyn and not with anyone else, don't get him wrong, his friends are great, but Evelyn made him feel a certain way, like he could pull an all-nighter and he'll just need to hear her voice to feel full of energy again, and when she found out about her parents he just felt the urge to hug her and tell her everything was going to be ok, maybe he just really cares about her, or maybe it's something else


Nico woke up to the sound of his alarm going off, he groaned and got off the bed, he had a difficult time falling asleep because of everything that happened, so he was still tired when he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, and when he got dressed, and when he did his hair, and when he went down the stairs, and when he saw Douxie on the kitchen with a glass of water while Archie was sitting on the counter eating a plate of roasted salmon and Evelyn was next to him leaning against the counter with her arms crossed............what?

"Am I hallucinating because I'm still tired or is that Douxie and Archie in our house at 7:35 in the morning?" Nico asked, Evelyn looked away annoyed, she was still angry at her brother for what he said the night before

"We ran into a little incident with a shadow mephit and your place was the nearest at the moment, sorry for coming in here unannounced" Archie explained, Nico just blinked a few times and shook his head

"I'm too tired to ask questions, I need some coffee," he said heading for the coffee machine, Evelyn took out her phone to look at the time

"Well, I have to go now," she said grabbing her car keys and her bag "Nico make sure they leave before your shift starts," Evelyn said pointing out douxie and Archie, then she started heading for the door

"Wait but what about your breakfast?" Nico asked when he noticed her plate of food that she barely ate

"I'll get something on the way," she said as she went out the door, she didn't want to talk with her brother any longer than she had to, after that argument last night she didn't want to see, hear, or be near him, it might sound like a bit too much but that's how she felt


"Does Evelyn seem a little angry to you?" Douxie asked

"Yeah, and what was that glint of bloodshed in her eyes?" Archie asked Nico, took a sip of coffee

"Yeah let's just say Evelyn doesn't want to see, hear or be near me" Nico explained, douxie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion

"Oh well, what happened?" Douxie asked curiously

"Well I might have said something that might have come off the wrong way, and then when I tried to apologize she was already too angry and then things started floating around us and then I was too terrified to say anything!" he finished sitting on the kitchen counter and dropping his head onto his arms

"Ok I got all that except things started floating around," Douxie said still a little confused

"It doesn't matter, she's probably so angry that she wants to gut me out like a fish," he said with his head still resting on his forearms

"Come on she is not that violent" Douxie said and Nico raised his head to look at him

"The woman carries a pocket knife, knows seven forms of martial arts, and has weapons hidden around the house, I think violent is an understatement" Nico pointed out

"Good point" Douxie admitted "but she still has her good sides, like she is nice, and considerate, and cute" Douxie pointed out, Nico furrowed his eyebrows and looked at him in confusion

"Did you just call my sister cute?" Nico asked, douxie eyes widen as he realized what he said, he didn't even realize he said it until Nico pointed it out

"No" Douxie denied

"Yes, he did" Archie butted in taking another bite of his food and Douxie gave him a look, Nico's eyes widened in realization, it all makes sense now

"Dude" Nico said as he stood up "you like my sister" he said In shock, douxie looked at him, shocked on what Nico just said, does he like Evelyn? I mean he does like to spend time with her, and he does enjoy making her laugh, and he feels like nothing else matters when he is talking to her... oh no

"No I-" he tried to defend himself but Nico cut him off

"Don't deny! I've seen the way you look at her! You like Evelyn!" Nico said smiling and pointing at douxie in accusation

"Well fine, but I'm not the only one here who likes someone, I know you like Finn" Douxie pointed out, Nico blushed a little at his remark, he cleared his throat a little

"How do you know that?" Nico asked a little flustered

"Dude everybody knows" Douxie said to him

"Is not that much of a secret" Archie pointed out "though I much rather rip my ears out than keep listening to this conversation" he said before stepping out of the kitchen, after he left douxie and Finn looked at each other and started laughing. douxie winced a little because of his injury

"was it that obvious that I like Finn?" Nico said as he calmed down from laughing

"sort of, but don't worry he doesn't know, so you're fine, and don't worry between you and me, I think you and him will do good together" he said while patting his shoulder

"Oh and be careful with Evelyn" Nico warned douxie

"Im guessing this is the part where you tell me that if I break her heart you'll break my face" Douxie said and Nico smile at his comment

"Oh I don't have to, cause she'll do it herself" Nico said with a small laugh and let out a nervous sight once it died down

"Yeah she terrifies me" Nico said looking down and douxie furrowed his eyebrows

A/N: sorry for the delay, I don't really have an excuse for it besides procrastination and writers block

Enchantment: tales of arcadia (douxie x OC) *temporarly discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now