Part 7

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"Hi Nico," I say, I pull my phone out to check the time, 12:29, look for a few seconds, and then it changed to 12:30, then suddenly the door to the bookstore opened, me and my brother look at each other before we walked to the door and when we look inside... oh my gosh it looked like a fantasy story there was and armor in one side of the store, there was a table with a crystal ball in it, the was a floating chandelier with purple crystals on it, it was cool, I look around for a few seconds and I finally look at what was in front of me, I see douxie, the cat, and Finn standing in the middle of the bookstore

"Welcome to GDT arcane books, shall we begin?"

Nico's POV

"I'm going out, I'll see you at the bookstore," I heard my sister yell

"Ok," I said back, I heard the door close, and I let out a breath, I am really worried about Evelyn and she won't tell me what was wrong, I tried asking but she keeps avoiding the question, and when I tried to confront her last night she just left, if only she'd tell me what's wrong

I needed some fresh air, I grabbed my stuff and left the house, I didn't exactly know where I was going, I just wanted to get out of the house for a while,

image for reference (if you don't like it you're free to change it)

I walked around for a while, I was too deep in thought that I didn't notice the person in front of me, and we accidentally bumped into each other, I look up to see an old man, he had long black hair, black eyes, and he had a suit on and a fedora h...

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I walked around for a while, I was too deep in thought that I didn't notice the person in front of me, and we accidentally bumped into each other, I look up to see an old man, he had long black hair, black eyes, and he had a suit on and a fedora hat that had fallen off, and he was a few inches taller than me, it was almost intimidating

"oh gosh, I'm sorry sir! I wasn't looking" I apologized, he looks at me and he looked a little shocked when he saw me like he recognized me or something, but what was weird was the fact that I recognized him too like I've seen him before, he put his hat back on and smiled

"it's alright kid" he patted my shoulder and walked away, I looked back for a second and continued walking

I kept walking for a while and I turned my head around and saw the guy with brown hair, I think his name was Finn, he looked at me and I waved as I walked towards him

"Hi, Nico right?" said Finn

"Yeah, and you're Finn?" I said back

"That's me," he said as he smiled, and to be honest, he was kinda cute

"so what are you up to?" I ask "what are you up to? REALLY NICOLAS?!" I mentally slap myself on the face, and smiled awkwardly

"I was just on my way to the bookstore what about you?" he says

"oh I was just walking around, it really helps when you got a lot in your mind," I said, even though me and my sister basically are gender-bent versions of each other, we are very, and I mean VERY different, for example, I am what many people call an open book, but my sister would close the book, wrap it up with Gaffer tape, lock it up in a safe, throw away the key and then throw the safe into the Bermuda triangle

"oh ok, since we're going the same way maybe do we can go together," Finn says

"sure," I said while nodding my head, I mean what could go wrong

we walked and talked for a while, it was actually really fun, I never really had that many friends growing up, being a prince and all, but even after 900 years, neither me nor my sister were experts on meeting new people, the closest thing we've ever gotten to s friend was our co-worker Zoe, we're not besties or anything, but she's really cool too

eventually, we got to the book store "okay wait here, ill be right back" he said as he walked into the bookstore, I checked the time on my watch, 12:21

I leaned on the glass and looked at the street as my mind started to wonder

"what is athalor doing in arcadia oaks? and what are we gonna do when we capture him?" I asked myself, I haven't really thought about the revenge part of our plan, we were mostly focusing on the finding him part

"What is wrong with my Evelyn? and why was it so hard for her to tell me? I asked myself again, as I've mentioned before, my sister is not the best at opening up to people, but she's never kept secrets from me, was it really so difficult for her to talk about her feelings? maybe I should stop bugging her about it and surely she'll tell me when she's ready

I was pulled out of my thoughts by coincidentally Evelyn, I smiled at her and waved, "Hi sis"

she waves back "hi Nico," she says, suddenly the door to the bookstore opened, me and my sister looked inside and it looked straight out of a fairy tale, or those "read your future" places, I see Douxie, Archie and Finn standing there

"Welcome to GDT arcane books, shall we begin?"

A/N: sorry I took so long to update, I was busy with school, also this chapter was a bit shorter than the rest, but that's just because I was running out of ideas

anyways, how's the story so far? I need some feedback

Enchantment: tales of arcadia (douxie x OC) *temporarly discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now