Part 17

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"Yeah right, as if we would fall for that trap" the he crumbled the piece of paper and dropped in the ground "come on Ev it's getting late" he walked away, but Evelyn looked a the crumbled paper on the floor and grabbed it before following her brother, she didn't know why, but something tells her that Athalor was telling the truth this time

3rd person POV

Lately Douxie and Evelyn have been hanging out a lot more recently, douxie would help Evelyn out with some spells, or Evelyn would help douxie with new songs for the auditions that were coming soon, or sometimes they would just hang out as friends, Evelyn couldn't figure out why she liked hanging out with him so much, the only times she felt like this was when... she like someone, but that's imposible, douxie is just a friend, besides there's no way that he'll like her back

Nico on the other hand realized right away he had a small crush for Finn, and he even told his sister about it, she wasn't very happy about it, her and Finn are not exactly the best of friends but Nico was afraid he wouldn't like him back, heck, he didn't even know if he even liked guys, but Nico is no quitter (unlike his sister) and he will try his best so him ad Finn end together


They were all hanging out in the bookstore, Evelyn was practicing new spells with douxie, Nico was just looking around at all the weird artifacts, and Finn was talking to Archie

Evelyn put a hand on her pocket and realized that she still had the paper that Athalor gave them, she pulled it out without thinking about it

"What's that?" Douxie asked and that seem to get Nico's attention and he noticed the paper on Evelyn's hand

"You kept that?!" Nico asked, and now Finn and Archie got interested

"What is it?" Finn asked, at that time the twins knew that it's was about time to tell them

"A few days ago we talked to Athalor" Evelyn said looking at all of them Douxie, Finn and Archie were shocked but Evelyn kept going "and he gave us this paper that apparently is gonna tell us the truth about what really happened" she finished

"Well have you opened it?" Douxie asked her, she just shook her head

"And we shouldn't, it's obviously a trap" Nico said annoyed

"We'll I think we should open it" Archie said and everyone agreed with him
Expect Nico

"Are you all insane!" He raised his voice "he is obviously trying to trick us" he said close to yelling

"Nico I've been carrying this around for days now, it's just a piece of paper" Evelyn reassured him, he stood quiet for a few seconds

"Fine, but don't come at me when we're a dead" he took a few steps back, Evelyn took a big breath and opened the paper, there was something written in it
It was a spell

"See, we're all alive" Finn said happily and put an arm around his shoulder, Nico smiled a little

"This just says "the living history spell, june 27 10:11 pm" Evelyn says as she reads the note "that was the day of our 19th birthday" she said softly

"Just a week before the coronation" Nico then said

"I think I've seen that spell before" Douxie said then he goes through the pages of spellbook "i got it! The living history spell allows whoever cast the spell and whoever has physical contact with that person to see a specific moment in the past" he says and looks up at the group "let's do it" he says smiling

"Who's gonna do the spell?" Finn asks

"I'll do it, it'll give me a chance to practice my magic" Evelyn says and everyone stands around her, they put a hand on her shoulders and douxie held the book for her, she read the instructions with help from douxie and her eyes glowed red as she casted the spell

Enchantment: tales of arcadia (douxie x OC) *temporarly discontinued*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora