Part 11

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"Well hello there" a voice said, they turn around to see the source of the voice, everyone's eyes widened at the sight of Athalor in front of them, he gives them an evil grin

"Right on time"

Evelyn's POV

I still could not believe it, Athalor standing right in front of us, a part of me was thinking that this was another dream and I was going to wake up back in my room, and the mirror... it's the same one I saw in my dream two days ago, there's no way that can be a coincidence, something weird is going on

"Evangelina and Nicolas it's good to see you again, last time I saw you too was 900 years ago while I was cutting off your father's head," he said as he let out a small chuckle, I could feel my blood boiling with anger, how dare he talk about papa like that?! I look to my right to see my brother, he was as angry as I was, probably more

"Although" Athalor continued "I did expect that the children of such powerful rulers wouldn't be dumb enough to fall for a simple trick," he said as he walked closer to us, he was now about 8ft away from us

"This is a trap! He wanted us to come here!" Archie exclaimed, then it clicked, he wanted us to use the tracking spell and he wanted us to find him here, I put my fist up and got into a fighting position in case he were to attack, then so did the others, Athalor raised his hands and took a couple of steps back

"Easy, there's no need to get hostile, I'm not here to fight" he paused for a second "I simply just want to talk"

I put my fist down and look at him suspiciously

"Don't worry I'll go straight to the point, I want you to stop getting involved in my business" he said calmly like he was in some business meeting "what I'm planning is far too dangerous for you kids keep meddling"

"More reason for us to stop you" Nico spoke up as he crossed his arms, Athalor simply scoffed

"you don't get it! If you die, my plan won't work!" he said as he raised his arms, what was he talking about? what plan? and why does he need us for?

"and your plan is?" Nico says annoyed

"that's for me to know and for you to find out" as soon as he said that I felt a tingly sensation in the back of my head, somebody was behind me

I turn around and a knife was flying towards my head, out of reflex I move my head away and the knife flies past me and goes towards Athalor, but it goes right through him, then the realization hits me, he's an illusion

"We have to get out of here!" I say loud enough for everyone to hear, but before we can leave three soldiers stand before us, they looked like Athalor's own shadows, I look back to see more soldiers around us, we were surrounded

I put my mask back on and look around for a possible solution, the shadows were getting closer, "what now?" Finn asks in a worried tone

"We got two options, give up and die now or fight and die later, either way, we're dead," Archie says as he climbs up Douxie's shoulder

"any preference?" Douxie asked

" don't know about you guys, but I would like a few more minutes living thank you very much," Nico says and pulls a knife out of his pocket and put his mask on, I might not be that good at magic, but I can still fight, then the shadows started running towards us, and so the fight begins

3rd person POV

Everyone started fighting against the shadows, Douxie and Finn were using their magic, Archie had turned himself back into a dragon and attacked the shadows too and Nico and Evelyn were using their weapons, but they were doing okay

That was until more shadows started to appear, that's when things got complicated, and Athalor was nowhere to be seen
"There's too many of them! We have to do something now!" yelled douxie worryingly as he basted one of the shadows

Then Evelyn came up with an idea, it was risky but she had no other choice "I have an idea! But I need you to cover for me!" She yelled and everyone nodded, she held one of her knifes up, she concentrated her magic on the knife and it started glowing red "Everyone hold onto something!" She yelled and and everyone held onto the nearest sturdy object, Evelyn held her knife with both hands and yelled "TENEBRIS EXILIUM!" Then she threw her sword down on the ground, a high wave of light was shot out of the knife, blowing away anything nearby, and destroying the knife in the process

Evelyn was blown against the wall on the building, as soon as she got up she had to lean on the wall due to the pain on her back, but she quickly recovered

Everyone looked up and saw that the shadows were gone, It took Nico a few seconds to realized what his sister has sister has done, and as soon as he did he rushed over to her

"Evelyn are you okay?" He said worried, by then douxie, Finn and Archie joined them too

"Yeah I'm okay" Evelyn replied calmly

"Good" Nico said happily, then he punched her in the shoulder, she didn't even flinch but was surprised by her brother

"What was that?" Evelyn asked confused

"I though we'd agreed that you wouldn't use that spell because it was too dangerous" Nico explained angrily, Evelyn just scoffed as she looked back at her brother

"Well it worked didn't it?" She replied with a smile, douxie didn't notice until Evelyn looked at him that he was also smiling too, and as soon as she did he quickly looked away

"Wait where's athalor?" Archie asked, everyone looked around but he was nowhere to be seen

"Doesn't matter, we should get out of here, that explosion was pretty big, it won't be long before the police gets here" Finn said, they all nodded and left, on the way back, Evelin noticed that douxie had a cut on his hand that was still bleeding

"That looks pretty deep, you should really clean that up before it gets infected" she said as she pointed at his hand, is not that she cared or anything, but if he was going to be any help he should at least have two working hands, he looked at her and smiled

"It's alright, I clean it up when I get home" He said and Evelyn nodded as they kept on walking, Nico Finn and Archie were in front of them, they seemed to be deep in conversation, Douxie decided he should try to make small talk with Evelyn

"So how did you figure out that big spell you did earlier" he asked her, she just shrugged, she was kinda confused on why he was trying to make a conversation, but to be honest just a moment ago she was fighting over 30 shadow soldiers and she was tired so she didn't mind

"I figure out that some spell contain Latin so I started to match words that could possibly make a spell" she said without looking at him

"How many spells have you figure out so far?" Douxie asked

"Not that many" she said, after a few minutes they had to part ways, they said good nights and went their separate ways

Enchantment: tales of arcadia (douxie x OC) *temporarly discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now