
,,Chloe soon turned to her old habits after that night, until she found out that she was pregnant. She didn't want the child at first." I start laughing now. Emily gives me a surprised look.

,,Sorry, but I find that hard to believe. Chloe wanted nothing more than a child. She wanted to be a mother for as long as I know her."

,,Of course, she wants children, but only with you."

,,Well, that turned out differently, huh?" I stand up now, seeing Sutton returning. ,,Look, I have listened to you and sure I do feel a little pity for Chloe, but she was drunk. She did that to herself, she could've stopped drinking any moment at the party but didn't and Chicago was there. It's not like he drugged her, right?"

,,Not that I know."

,,See, then it was her own choice to have sex with him."

,,Beca, come on."

,,What do you want me to say, Em? That I forgive her? That I'm happy that she moved on? That I'm happy that she has a child? I can't! She is the love of my life and she betrayed me with the only person who could stand between us!"

,,I get that you're angry and I'm glad you took the time to hear the story about that night."

,,Stacie told me precisely the same, well except for the part that she felt guilty afterward."

,, allow others to tell you the story, and don't shut everyone out because of Chloe's mistakes. Emma, Liam, Kara... it might feel like they're siding with Chloe, but they aren't. They are just trying to keep the peace between Wyatt, your parents, Stacie, and the rest."

,,I'll think about it, okay?" Emily smiles and nods, afterwards I let Sutton know it's safe for her to come inside again. I need the coffee because this is confusing.

A little later I'm standing behind the microphone. I wrote a song about Chloe, we haven't talked but I imagined her seeing it in my mind. The lyrics for the chorus I wrote literally what Wyatt said to me a few nights ago when I asked him about Chloe.

,,So, are you ready?" Sutton looks at me.


,,Well, let me hear it." Sutton enthusiastically says.

,,Wait!" Emily yells and grabs her phone. ,,First I want a picture of the best music producer in the world. Smile!" I smirk, feeling good about the praise, and look over to my left, so I can look into her camera. ,,Great, now let's hear your masterpiece!" I start the music, that I've recorded beforehand and place the lyrics on the stand.

I look up from the ground to see your sad and teary eyes

You look away from me, and I see there's something you're trying to hide

And I reach for your hand but it's cold, you pull away again

And I wonder, what's on your mind

And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake

You start to tremble and your voice begins to break

You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's, they were my mate's

And I feel the color draining from my face

And my friend said

I know you love her, but it's over, mate

It doesn't matter, put the phone away

Life changes ( sequel to love never dies )Where stories live. Discover now