The River

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Gabriel, Clementine and Pete walked down a dirt road toward a river. Gabriel had his shotgun while Pete had a rifle, the single action kind. Clem didn't have any other weapon except the black knife that Gabriel gave you and the hammer she used last night. The three had left Nick behind as he took a piss in the woods, Pete's reasoning being that "he knows where the river is."

They walked down a slope and up another dirt hill. Clem was holding her still bandaged arm as she trailed behind Pete and Gabriel. They had left Carley behind as she was dreadfully tired and wants to sleep in, something that Gabriel accepted.

"How you two holding up? I saw Rebecca wasn't really happy with you last night." Gabriel rolled his eyes and shook his head while Clem just frowned at the mention of the woman. "Once she gets going there's no bringing her back. Her barks worse than her bight though." Pete's words made Gabriel shrug his shoulders and smile off the of Rebecca.

"Seen it before, it doesn't bother me really." Gabriel said. Pete nodded toward him in understanding.

"She's all talk, she doesn't scare me." Clementine said. Gabriel turned his head slightly and smirked back at her, making Clem smile back. He turned back around a moment later.

"She was in a mood last night, that's for sure..." Pete said.

"As I said before." Gabriel smirked.

They walked over a door that was placed over a large ditch, thankfully allowing them to cross without issue. Clem ran up quickly to Pete's other side on his right, with Gabriel taking Pete's left side. The Terminator was keeping a lookout for walkers but also was using his vision to keep looking ahead and far away from them, knowing that anyone or anything could be sitting out there in waiting with a gun.

"How far are these fish traps?" Clem asked. Pete shrugged and smiled a little bit.

"It ain't much further."

Clem nodded and kept walking forward, though her eyes glanced down at the gun that Pete was holding. Her mind wondered what it would be like to shoot a gun like that, Gabriel made it seem so easy. Pete saw her gaze and looked at Clementine with a curious look, "anyone teach you how to shoot? And I mean taught properly."

"A friend of ours named Lee showed her, and after he passed away I taught her a few things." Gabriel said, a small smile on his face as Pete looked at him instead.

"That's good, it's important nowadays. How good of a shot are you?" They stepped over part of a barbed wire fence that had an opening in it. Gabriel laughed quietly and shrugged his shoulders.

"Depends what you want me to shoot. I could shoot an apple off your head...or I could shoot your head."

"Nick was about her age when I first took him huntin. Came across this beautiful 13 point buck just sitting there on the ridge line." They stop for a moment as Pete lifts his rifle and points it forward. "The boy takes the rifle...lined up the rifle like I taught him...than I hear him start whining." Gabriel cracked a smile at the thought of that. Nick hesitating to shoot something? Sounds unlikely, although if it was a person... "I can't shoot it uncle Pete, I can't do it. Please don't make me shoot it."

"It's not for everyone." Gabriel said.

"What a baby." Clementine said. Gabriel looked over at her with a raised eyebrow and she shrugged.

Pete smiled at both Clem and Gabriel and went to say more but a voice behind them got his attention. "Hey!" Nick came running up to them with his rifle in hand, his eyes showing a sense of confusion at them. He stopped just a few feet away from them, "why didn't you wait?"

"You want us to wait while you stand and a piss on a tree? You know where the river is boy." Pete turned back around to face Clementine and Gabriel, starting his story again. "So anyway, I went to grab the gun out of his hands when BANG the gun goes off. Boy nearly gut shot me. And of course the buck gets away."

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