All that remains

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Gabriel pov

"What do you think?" Omid asked. He was holding a rifle as he looked at a rest stop ahead of us. I held my shotgun in my hand as I stood to Omids right. Carley was sitting on her knees to Christas left.

"Omid you can't be serious." Christa said with disappointment in her voice. I smirked lightly and turned around, looking at Clementine who was staring up at the trees. My smirk fell and I turned around.

"I am." I could see Omids smile even from behind him as Christa stood up and shook her head.

"We are not doing that." Christa said disapprovingly. Omid looked up at Christa bewildered.

"Why not?" He asked innocently. I rolled my eyes and stood up as well.


"That's not an argument." I said as Omid and Carley stood up as well. I lowered my shotgun and held it at my hip. I chuckled and walked forward toward the rest stop.

"You're not helping Gabriel." Christa said with an amused laugh. I shrugged and shook my head.

"Wasn't trying to." Carley elbowed my ribs and glared at me playfully. I raised my hands in an innocent gesture while smiling at Carley. Clementine chuckled behind us and I beamed a little more.

"Come on, Christa. What's wrong with Omid?" Omid asked. I lowered my hands but not before putting my shotgun up on my backpack.

In the few months since Lee's death some things had changed. I had taken a few things from some people that we had come across, a few rounds here, some supply's there—nothing to completely screw people over but just enough to keep us alive. Somebody called me the "fair bandit" which I didn't totally understand. Carley's outfit was different now as she wore a black overcoat with a hood. It was a little bit big on her but she liked it. I was wearing fairly the same thing but my Machete was now on my left hip because one time when I had brought it out I had cut the strap on the backpack, which I than repaired but still I didn't want that happening again.

Clementine was still mostly her same old self but she was just a little more quiet since Lee died. I tried my best to cheer her up as best as I could but it was hard to get through to her...even with the connection we have. Carley and I grow a little closer each day—the sex kinda helps—but for the most part she's stood by me which I appreciate. I've tried to do more for our relationship but it's hard when you're trying to survive every single day.

"We're not calling our baby Omid. One of you is enough." I shook my head and focused back on the conversation. I had been wondering lately about just random stuff. After Lee died I just can't really focus so my train of thought just goes. Carley looked over at me and frowned but ignored her, I don't want her worrying to much about me. I have to take care of them after all. "Clementine, a little help here?"

I turned around and looked at the girl to see she was also stuck in her thoughts. I smiled and crossed my arms.

"You could give it a name that's not one of your Onnu, Blaze...Lequisha?" Christa and Omid started laughing at my joke and Carley just smiled while rolling her eyes.

"How about something I can pronounce without laughing, yeah?" I shrugged and shook my head.

"I guess, but it rolls off the tongue right? Lequisha." I said the last part much slower for the effect but all I received was silence.

"What if it's a girl?" Clementine asked. I crossed my arms and muttered under my breath.

"That's where Lequi..."

"Then we'll name her Christa." Omid said, interrupting me. I

"But I'm Christa. I don't want to call her Christa. That's just confusing." Omid smiled and laughed, taking pleasure in his wife's confusion.

The terminators walking dead. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora