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Gabriel pov
Carley and I followed the new people into their house. It was a rather nice place but I was wondering why someone would build a house in the middle of no where. Did someone just have enough money to dump into a place like this or was it because they were bored? I have no idea.

As we walked into the house I lowered my bag next to a couch and sat down, dragging a hand down my face as I sighed. Everyone sat around us with various expressions on their faces, especially with the pregnant lady and the red neck. I looked around attentively, hoping to see if anyone would make a brash move and attack us. After a few seconds of silence I relaxed and breathed out a sigh.

"You people look like you've even through a lot." Pete said as he put his left leg on his knee. I huffed and nodded solemnly.

"Hasn't everyone?" I asked as I put my hand behind my head. I grimaced slightly as I realized that sounded shitty. "Sorry if we sound less than hospitable, it's been a long day." Luke nodded and smiled gently as he sat in another chair.

"It's alright, you folks care for your daughter. I get it." I nodded and smiled a little bit. My smile stayed for a few moments before it fell and I sighed.

"Not just that. We lost 2 people from our group last night. We had been with them for a majority of all this madness, and they were cut down like wheat in a field." My eyelid twitched as I felt my anger rise just for a moment. I could get angry now but it just felt right to, especially when we hadn't had much time to Grieve Omid and Christa.

"A few months back we took in someone who was Bit. We thought we could control it but we couldn't. Nicks Mom got bit when they turned." The redneck from earlier, who I now recognized as Nick, looked over and glared at Luke from where he was standing. "So, yeah. We know how you feel." I nodded and stayed silent as I thought of questions to ask. Carley who was sitting next to me still saw I was quiet and leaned forward with her elbows on her knees and spoke.

"Who's Carver? You mentioned him earlier when we showed up and from what it sounds like, he's very dangerous." Carley worded what she said carefully, as one miss wording could lead us to getting shot at. The pregnant lady seemed to glare at Carley and I when Carley asked the Question.

The group of people looked at each other cautiously, almost as if they were having an internal debate on weather or not to tell us the truth. I sat patiently and waited for them to either tell us or not. I glanced down at Carley who was also trying to read their faces.

"Carver is...a dangerous man, yes. He is also somebody we are trying to get away from." I nodded and let out a sigh of content. They didn't want to tell me everything, which was fine as I have a feeling we'll find out anyway but still. I'd like to find out all I can about this man if he's so dangerous.

"It sounds like you don't like him very much. It must be hard to say allowed but I'd like to know what he did that's so bad?" They looked at me with empty expressions and that's how I got my answer.

Sometimes no answer is the answer.

"Got it. Well I can assure you we don't follow crazy. We may have had a few crazy's in our own group a long time ago but they don't sound as bad as this guy. Actually you guys remind me of two members in our old group." Carley said as she motioned to Nick and The Pregnant lady. I looked down at Carley as I tried to make the comparison. A second later I smiled broadly and looked down at Carley.

"You thought that to? I thought I was the only one who was reminded of Kenny and Lilly." I smiled and laughed as memories of their arguments filled my mind.

"Who's Lilly and Kenny?" Nick asked. I looked up with a small smile and rested my head back.

"Lilly and Kenny were some other members of our group who always fought about who was in charge. They never got along most of the time and fought over who was in control of the group. It was funny really." Carley shook her head with a smile that I mirrored. Nick nodded and the Pregnant lady relaxed her posture just a little bit.

The terminators walking dead. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora