"i heard it and there's no reason for you to be scared. i loved every single song." ivy said.

"i don't give a fuck about who likes the album or not. i'm scared of the song i added last minute into the album." i confessed. "i set a scene for the song that isn't real but i was thinking about her the whole time, wondering how wonderful it would be to love her but so fucking scary at the same time."

"when did the tough billie turn into such a sapp, and who would've known you would simp this hard for a person." ivy teased.

"you don't understand, it's not just a person, it's blue."

"bitch shut the fuck up." she laughed at my face.

"i'm being real here." i groaned.

"i'm sorry i just don't get how falling in love is scary, isn't it supposed to be amazing and care free?" she said as she zipped up my suitcase.

"that's what i thought!" i yelled. "i don't know maybe i need to get a checkup at the hospital, but it's so scary, like a million questions pop up in your head. does she really like me? what if i say the L word and she doesn't say it back? and i'm so scared i'm going to somehow fuck this up."

"that makes me never want to fall in love. i'll just third wheel you guys till the day i die." ivy said. "get your ass out the door, we have another suitcase to pack." she held the door open for me. i put my phone in my pocket and started leading the way to ivy's car.

"can i just ask one question?" she narrowed her eyes at me. "why haven't you texted her yet after the letter?"

"cause she probably wants an explanation and i don't want her knowing that about me, at least not now." i answered.

"are you stupid? she doesn't want an explanation, she just wants you back. i garentee she will be like "i missed you so much, you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to i'm just glad you're here and you're okay" like she's such a sweet soul that she won't demand shit from you." ivy said after starting the engine of the car.

"yeah well how will i just text her out nowhere? it feels weird, like 'surprise mother fucker!' no, i don't know." i shook my head as we started driving to ivy's apartment.

"then how do you want to talk to her? do you wanna just pop out of nowhere into her studio? no, you don't. and you definitely don't want to bump into her for the first time on tour or when we drop off our luggage." ivy tried to knock some sense into me. "text her a 'hey' or something"

"i can't, i physically can't, you don't understand." i refused.

"i swear to god billie if you don't text her i will." she threatened.

"NO! no, you will not text her. i don't trust you to do that." i held my phone tighter.

"also why haven't you added blue to our group yet?" she raised a questioning brow.

"because she still hasn't warmed up to you guys and i don't want to make her uncomfortable." i answered.

"let her get used to us through the group chat then." ivy rolled her eyes as she took the right to her apartment complex's garage.

"fine i will add her just not now, i have to un-ghost her first." i gave up.

"get out of the car." she ordered. "you're so paranoid when it comes to her, like just chill, it's all gonna be good."

"chill and it's all gonna be good is your advice for me?" i asked, not believing my ears, as i pressed the elevator button.

"yeah, i'm not some relationship expert, but it sure sounds like you need to stop overthinking shit." she said in a 'duh' tone.

we walked into the elevator and ivy pressed her flirt number, "see now that is something i can not do."

"i swear you told me you can't do a million things today. it's like, i'm sorry, i didn't know you were and old aged grandma. get your shit together billie, you got this!"she nudged me.

"i hate you."

"oh you love me."

we exited the elevator when we reached the right floor, ivy unlocked her apartment and locked it back again once we were we in. we realized that we didn't eat lunch yet so we ordered take out pizza, then started the long process of packing ivy's belongings. and you guessed it right, i wouldn't shut up about blue at all.

we were almost done with packing when ivy asked to have my phone so she could change the song on the speakers so i gave it to her, but little did my stupid self know that she texted blue. it was just a 'hey', but i still haven't planned out a script of what to say in all the possible scenarios that could go down.

"now you gotta improvise." ivy snickered.

blue <3


hi lovely

sorry i wasn't available for a while
i had some things to deal with

you don't have to apologize
i'm just glad you're back
i missed you
are you doing good?

yeah i am
thank you for asking

of course baby
and if you need anything i'm always here
i mean it

i'll remember that
i really want to hug you again

i miss hugging you

imma come over sometime tmrw 😫🤞

i'll be waiting for you :)

i finished packing everything
now i'm at ivy's helping her pack

oh shit
i have to start packing 🤡


NO 😭

get started

alright ttyl then 💔

𝙍𝙀𝘿 // 𝘽𝙄𝙇𝙇𝙄𝙀 𝙀𝙄𝙇𝙄𝙎𝙃 𝙁𝘼𝙉𝙁𝙄𝘾𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉Where stories live. Discover now