11: Olivia

32 6 3

December, 2018

As we gazed out on the river, rushing and roaring by us and barely different from how it was seven days ago, I couldn't help but ask Marli, "Where does he go when he isn't here?"

Cocking a brow, she said like it was obvious, "The spirit realm."

"Yeah, I know, but... where is that? What is that?"

Heaving a sigh, she leaned her hands against the rock, head turning to the sky above as she squinted at the afternoon sun. "I don't really know. No one does... we don't travel there because it's only a place for the dead. All I know is, when I call to a spirit, it's more like reaching a hand into a bottomless pit and feeling their energy tugging on me. I sift through whose soul is who's through that energy."

"But surely there's legends of the spirit realm... on what it's like."

A crease forming on her head, she turned her head to me. "Why? Are you worried?"

With a small shrug, I glanced ahead at the water. "When I wasn't sure if I was seeing Ben or hallucinating him... that spell you did sent me somewhere."

"It did?" she asked, voice actually marred with shock.

I nodded. "At first I was in this... void. There was nothing. There was no up or down or left or right. I wasn't floating. But I wasn't anchored. I just... existed."

She didn't say anything in response, but the way she leaned in told me she was more than curious to hear me out.

"But then it was like I tripped into this dot painting. I was transported to the bush, but my world was an artwork. I've never seen the place or painting before. And I was almost alone... until this snake found me."


Slowly turning to look at her, I said, "It had rainbow eyes."

Her lips pursed together as she mulled over what I may have been suggesting. "You think you saw the rainbow serpent?"

Shrugging, I explained, "I don't know what I saw. All I know is it was a snake with rainbow eyes. And I wasn't even scared of it. It grew bigger and bigger, hissing at me, ready to strike... but I couldn't help but be captivated by it. I was desperate to reach out and touch it."

"Well... if it was the rainbow serpent, I can understand why you'd have that response."

"How so?"

"The rainbow serpent created life itself. It created you, me, Ben, the stars, the trees, the air, the water... All life and death and the balance and harmony of the world. Life is a deadly scary thing to go through... yet we also find such joy in it. Joy in the pleasures, joy in the temptations. Joy in the people who are good for us and bad for us."

"I get that but... Let's say it was the serpent. Why would I see that?"

"Maybe it's an omen."

"An omen for what?"

She shrugged. "I'm no witch, Ollie. I'm not good at reading fortunes. I think it's something you're just going to have to figure out. But sheesh... what I'd give to meet the rainbow serpent. You should consider yourself lucky."

"We don't even know—"

"Even if we don't, let's just pretend it was. Life is that much sweeter when we believe that hope and dreams exist for all of us."

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Two Weeks Later

Salvage: Book 3 of the Magic Mutations SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now