6: Olivia

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November, 2018

I woke to my curtains being wrenched open, sunlight streaming in in all its blinding glory.

"Do you know what time it is?" my mother bellowed as her figure moved away from the window, her silhouette coming into detail.

Squinting at its vague shape, I eventually dragged the blanket over my head to block out the light. "Let me sleep," I groaned back in response.

"You're sleeping your life away," she retorted.

"That's the plan," I mumbled as I rolled away from her, hoping that talking to my back might deter her plot. Though I should have known my mother better than that.

"You need to get up and get ready. You've already missed one of your classes today," she prattled.

"Yeah, yeah... wait. You know my schedule?" My head peeked out from under the covers, my eyes finding her shape in the brightness.

"Of course I do."

"How?" I hadn't told her.

"I asked Marli to get me a copy of it."

At her words, vague memories of Marli taking a picture of my timetable with my consent flashed through my mind. "Ugh! You're insufferable sometimes." Then I retreated back to the darkness.

"Get up," she insisted again, tugging at the end of my blanket.

"Five more minutes, woman!"

· · ───── ∘☽༓☾∘ ───── · ·

The scorching water caressed my back and the length of my body before pooling at my feet. My fingers were beyond pruned, and mum had just rapped on the door, yapping at me yet again about how late I was.

But what was the point?

What was the point in anything?

Every single step forward saw me taking multiple massive leaps backwards.

Getting close to Marli, unleashing the burdens of my past on her, only saw my hope brewing at the chance of seeing Ben again... with it immediately becoming crushed at the fact he was most likely forever gone. Forever stuck in the inbetween, not living, not moving on. Or perhaps even haunting me as a reminder of how much I ruined his life. The reality was, I'd never know.

Another three knocks sounded on the door. "For God's sake, Olivia, get out of the shower and stop running up my electricity and water bill."

Heaving a sigh, I shuffled around under the stream and turned the taps until the water stopped flowing. Body still in its spot, hands paused on the cool metal, I stared at the grout as I pondered whether I really should get out and get dressed, or if I should just pretend I was getting ready until mum left for the day... then hide back under my covers.

Reluctantly, I stepped out onto the cold tile, acknowledging that, either way, I had to get out of the bathroom for either of my plans to work.

Slowly towelling off my body, eventually I faced the clouded mirror, ready to see how terrible I looked today as though it would determine my decision as to whether I'd go out or stay in.

I reached over the sink and swiped my hand across the glass. Clearing the fog, I tried to make enough of my reflection visible to apply makeup when suddenly two blue eyes over my shoulder caught my attention.

A small yelp escaped my mouth as I jumped away from the mirror—far enough I could no longer look in.

Heart pounding in my chest, I clutched the towel against me as I took deep breaths.

Salvage: Book 3 of the Magic Mutations SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now