Becoming Closer Part One

Start from the beginning

"It is true that, in a lot of stories, a lot of drama can come from rejection." Patton stated, trying to communicate in a way Logan could understand. "But stories don't reflect reality, or, at least, their reflection is... what's the word... uh... different? Disorted?" Patton continued, struggling to think of a word that was on the tip of his tongue.

"Distorted?" Logan suggested. "Yes! That's it. Stories show a distorted version of reality. To make it more entertaining. People like to watch fake drama because it makes them feel better about their real drama, I guess. The reason drama tends to come from rejection is because it does hurt to offer part of yourself to someone and have it be turned down. But that doesn't mean the person rejecting someone is bad, as long as they're nice about it." Patton explained.

"It's like, when you try really hard to win a competition- love isn't a competition of course but this is just a... What's the word? Metaphor? I don't know, but anyways.- You work really hard and practice and gather all this courage to give it all, but then you get in fourth place and it hurts not to get that reward for your work, but that doesn't mean the Judges are bad people for not giving you the points you needed to win. They just didn't feel as good about your performance as they did about another, and that's okay." Patton elaborated. Logan nodded, confirming that this explanation made sense to him.

"Alright. So, how does one reject someone kindly? Is there a way to do it without hurting the other person?" Logan asked. "Well, it depends on the person. Everyone's different." Patton stated. "In most cases, it's best to just rip it off like a bandaid, usually the pain will be temporary and fade with time, but sometimes the situation can be a bit more sensitive than that." Patton explained. "I suppose I could give specifics if you promise not to tell others. I want to avoid misunderstandings." Logan decided. "You have my word, I won't tell a soul." Patton assured Logan, causing a light blue X to form on Patton's chest.

"You know it's dangerous to be giving your word so casually." Logan warned. "Don't worry, I didn't swear on my life. This just means if I try to tell anyone I won't be able to." Patton assured him. "True, but still. Promises are powerful." Logan lectured. "I know, I know. Now, what's the issue?" Patton dismissed.

"Well, Roman asked me out on a date earlier today. I accepted the offer, because I didn't have a good reason not to, other than a lack of romantic feelings for him. I didn't think it would be fair to reject him, since I have always been... Intrigued by the idea of a romantic relationship, but never considered pursuing one. However, I'm worried that leading him on if I turn out not to be attracted to him is worse than just rejecting him." Logan explained.

"Ah, I see..." Patton replied, thinking this over. "I don't think you're leading him on, per say. You said you're interested in a romantic relationship, you just never tried to have one, right?" Patton began. Logan nodded. "Alright, well, this is your chance. You can try it, go on a date with him, see if you like him in a romantic way, and if you do see where it goes from there. If you don't, you can explain the situation, and ask to stay friends. As Roman's best friend, I can assure you that Roman would prefer it if you gave him a chance before deciding rather than just rejecting him right away." Patton assured him.

     "Very well, thank you for the advice." Logan stated. "No problem!" Patton cheered before standing up. "Anything else you need?" Patton then asked. "No, though, you did seem troubled by something when I answered the door. You had that look you have when you're trying to be yourself but your mind is somewhere else." Logan pointed out. "Would you like to share why? Of course, if you'd rather not discuss it, I'll respect that." He added.

     "Oh, it's nothing." Patton dismissed, giggling nervously as he made his way to the door. "I'm fine, I promise, I just... Well I'm not sure yet, maybe I'll let you know when I have more info." Patton decided. "Alright. I will see you another time then." Logan replied. Patton nodded before leaving the domain, and Logan returned to his work.

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