Chapter 21

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'Who the fuck?'

"Excuse me Mr. Darcy, I'll just go and check."

I walk up to the door and peep through the peephole. Wha-

It's Ryan. I specifically told them to not return home until I called.

"I'll just be a minte" I say to Mr. and Mrs. Darcy and walk out of the door to check out what happened.


"Shhh what the fuck Ryan. What are you doing here.. Are you drunk?"



I fucking cant belive myself. He is drunk. The audacity..

"OH come on mistress.. Why do you look so stressed? Let's go play"

She shoves me to the side. I fall and land on the stairs. He goes to open the door..


–next morning :

Leeroy's pov:

I open my eyes and I'm in my bed. . Ahh. fuck my head hurts.

I sit up and start walking towards my bathroom and it hits me.

All the things that happened last night came running back in my head...

'Ryan is a dead man today'

I still can't believe he did what he did. I got up and headed towards the kitchen. Make myself and my mistress a cup of coffee.

As I'm filling the cups I hear her getting down the stairs.

"Good Morning mistress"

She ignores it. I deserve that.

She sits near the shoe rack and starts wearing her heels. I take the tray with her cup.

"Mistress your cof-"

Fuck. she shuts the door on my face. She is really mad.

I finish my chores and go upstairs to check on Ryan.


My head hurts so much. I'm sitting on the bed, my head in my hands. I can't remember anything after Lee and I started talking in the pub.

(knock knock) "Ryan... are you awake? Ryan"

"What? Yes.. get in."

"Hey.. how are you feeling? Here, take the coffee.."

"Thanks" I take the mug from his hand. He gives me a weak smile.

"So lee.. What happened yesterday?" he looked shocked.

"Ryan.. please tell me you remember.." he really looked concerned. I had this gut feeling that it was something bad. I look at his face and he gets up.

"I can believe you don't remember RYAN!"

I'm so terrified right now. If there is something I did wrong, my mistress is going to kill me. I know I disobeyed her order of not drinking much. I was clearly drunk. But looking at Lee I guarantee it is worse than that.

"It can't be that bad.. Please Lee just tell me.'' I sit on the floor. My intuition tells me that it is so much worse than what I thought.

He sits next to me on the floor.

"Ryan.. okay I'm telling you but -"

"But what just please its hurting me.... I can't. What if I said something to miss.. Did something?.. Disobeyed an order.. Please just tell me.."

Lee's pov:

I see him almost about to cry.

"Okay okay shush.. I'll tell you. So we went to the pub.. You remember we started ordering drinks and talking about this were asking me questions about what I did before? (he nodded)..

Well then we ordered more drinks. You were drinking way too much. I told the bartender to stop giving you drinks and that we were to leave now.

I went to pay the bill but realized I have less cash. So I told you to sit there and not drink till I go and get cash withdrawn.."

His hands were in his hair now,  "what did i do just please get it over with" - Ryan

"Okay so when I came back the bartender said you took like 3 more drinks and then ran off.. I was so scared. You were completely drunk and I couldn't find you anywhere. (he closed his eyes) I was imagining all the punishments mistress would give me if I returned alone and before her call. But after around an hour of finding you I decided to take the consequences.

I came back to see the house door open. And loud noises coming from inside. You were there.. I was glad to see you for a second then realized what you were doing.

Ryan.. ( i started in a low voice) you pushed miss on your way in. You.. you ran in the house. you were trash talking her boss. You spilled drinks on his wife and you -"

"I was shouting let's play lets play!" - Ryan

"Yeah.." I look at him and his eyes are still shut.

"You remember?"

"Yeah..." he whispered.

Ryan's pov-

I can't believe this.. I can't believe what I did. I- just

"Where is she? Mistress? Did she leave any punishments?"

"Oh no she left before I could get her coffee.. Shut the door in my face"

I couldn't form sentences.. I couldn't think.

'What did I do! No no no no!!!l'

"Lee.. i-" he noticed. My voice is broken now..

"Ryan, it's afternoon. You better get on your tasks.."

"Yeah..i just need a minute"

"Yeah okay" he got up and went out.

I just sat there.. On the floor with my eyes shut.

I disobeyed her. Again. I shouted at her.. Insulted her in front of her boss. I PUSHED HER! Disappointed her... again. I- feel so horrible. I can never forgive myself for this.. I-

"Ryan.." a muffled voice came from the door.

"Mistress just texted me some additional tasks... Just please get up and do your chores."

"Yeah yeah.." I got up. All I can think of is what I did. The only thing I can do now is do my chores to keep me distracted from what is going to happen. And to be prepared for any and every punishment she offers.

We sat near the door in anticipation. I just wanted to slap myself so hard the entire day.. but i couldn't. She owns me. I can't hurt her property without her order.  

The key unlocked the door.. My heartbeat rises.. I'm ready. Ready for anything.. For everything..

I see her heels.. They are the black ones. The point is very pointy. I remember getting kicked by these once. They hurt. I know that is going to be my life for a long time now. Hurt and pain.

Before we could greet her she just got inside and stormed to her room.

We look up to each other.

'This is going to be hell for me'

She comes back after some time. We were still there near the door. Didn't dare move without permission.

"Lee. Get me a cup of coffee."

"Yes miss." 


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