Chapter 2

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Jenna's POV-

'What the fuck is he hiding... I sense it. Flowers. Chocolates ugh. Cliché.

I'd have to ask him. I don't want to. The way he is behaving.. Idk I'd rather not hear.'

I really had to find out what was wrong. What has he done? Or something happened to him.

Even though I really have a snack for detail, I can't quite get this. I always have a tingly feeling when something is about to go down. It's that kind of feeling coming up right now. I really want to push it down. Things have been going really great.

'Oh shit was i staring at him the whole time. Never mind.. I'll ask.'

"Leave that down" was more of a command than a request." the chips wrapper fall down from his hands and he stands to face me. Though he is not really looking at me. More like my feet. Ugh he really did something wrong.

"What is it? There's something wrong. And before you deny or make any excuse let me remind you very clearly-

"You hate being lied to" Leeroy finishes the sentence. His voice is down. Not low but defeated. He is standing in front of me, fidgeting hands in pocket.

He looks at me and looks down again...

"Jenna, i -

I - please sit down. Sit down and I'll tell you everything. I swear I'll not leave a single detail out. I promise."

He sounds so.. Idk done. I sit down on the couch. He walks up to me and sits on the ground, his hands on my knees.

"You know how yesterday we had this get together at the hotel. All the graduates from my year were there. I -

I actually had a few drinks and -"

'NO! No no he didn't! He cheated on me. I can feel it. He cheated on me. How dare he. After everything I did for him. I can't believe this-'

"Stop! Stop Leeroy and don't say a word" he bows his head. He stops speaking immediately and I brush off his hands from my thighs. I stand up and look at him.

Sitting near my feet. Head bowed in shame. Damn 'what! Why do I like him in this position.. Not the time'

"Look at me lee. Were you drunk? How much did you have?"

"It was- Jen please let me finish. Please. I'm begging you to let me finish and you can throw me out then."

She speaks this with so much guilt. I can sense it in his voice. I can't see his face. He hasn't moved from the position at all.

I sit on the couch again. Move his gaze to mine by tilting his head with my finger. But he didn't look at me. He states past me.

"Go on" I say in a very disappointing voice. 

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