Chapter 9

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"WHAT THE FUCK IS TAKING THIS LONG?!" she shouted from the living room.

"Shit" we said to each other and went outside. Ryan leading the way.

"I'm sorry miss we started talking and lost track of time... the dinner is set. Please co-"

"Do I have to shout every time I need work done? Ryan! I thought you are the senior here... trained by me.. Where did all that go? Do you need a punishment to remember these things!!! "

She was practically yelling. She was definitely hungry. Hangry Jenna was something I dealt with daily in our relationship. But somehow, this was even worse.

"I'm sorry miss. Please. I'm sorry. I will remember. Mistress! This will never happen again. I promise." he was practically begging, sitting down in the position

"You will be punished. But for now. Go serve the food before it gets cold.

And you!" She looks at me. Her angry gaze cuts through me even though I'm looking down. "Are you of any help or should i throw you out on the 1st day?"

"Sorry miss. This will never happen again." I said.

"It better not!"

She gently kicked Ryan on the shoulder and he got up. Turned around and went straight into the kitchen. I followed.

He gave me a weak smile and we served the food on the plates.

Jenna entered and sat in one chair. It was her designated chair. She has been sitting there for as long as i can remember. She never sits on any other chair and I now understand why.

I was about to pull the chair besides when Ryan pulled my hand.

"Miss will take a bite first. When she starts eating we can sit"

'Damn these rules are strict.'

Jenna started eating and we sat down. After a few bites her mood lighted.

"So! Ryan. how are you?"

"I'm good Miss. I really miss this place. And we all really miss you down at the Dungeon."

"I know. I know. This monogamy is not for me. I have understood that." she chuckles. I feel like this was an attack on me but to be fair she is not wrong.

If you see it closely she was never really a great girlfriend. 'But at least she didn't cheat so i have really no opinion on this'

We almost finished dinner. Ryan was talking to me about some morning routine work which he did as her sub, so now i need to learn them.

"Miss" i ask as she finishes her late bite

"So now that I am your sub, will you have other men like Ryan over? Like to.. Um.."

"Play you mean.." she gave me a huge smirk.

"When and if you are comfortable. Ryan is a compulsory guy. You don't have to feel threatened or jealous by him though. He will stay with us over the weekend and if I see fit, play with us. But naturally in the near future, no one else. not till you are ready."

I smiled a little. The word play sounds fun. I think she caught my face 

"What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing Miss. Just um.. I was thinking about the word play.. I mean it sounds fun," Ryan shrugged beside me.

"You think it sounds fun... well we will see. Ryan, wash the dishes Lee, help him. Then both of you meet me on the terrace. 20 minutes."

"Yes miss." we said as she left the kitchen.

'Terrace? What?'

"What's on the terrace?" I asked and he handed me the washed dish and I dried it with the cloth.

"Oh! You don't know. Well I guess you can see for yourself then."

He said with a huge grin which at this moment I wanted to punch.

"So ok why are we going there.. Give me this, come on!"

"Fine" he said, raising his hands.. "Let's just say I'm going to get punished."

"Oh wait.. So she wasn't just threatening you with punishment so you do your work?"

"Oh NOOOOoooo. She never threatens with punishment. And ultimately it's for my betterment only. I defied her.. Now I pay the price. It's fair."

"Well now that you put it like that..."


next chap guys... the spice!!!!!! 

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