Chapter 20

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I got up early the next morning. I brushed and went downstairs into the kitchen. Ryan was already awake making a cup of coffee for himself.

He saw me and smiled, "good morning"

"Morning," I said, he seemed happy.

He asked me if I would take one and I said yes.

As he was pouring coffee for both of us he started explaining how it usually worked around here.

"So, of course we have to wake up before her. Make coffee for us and her. She gets up, tells what to make for breakfast and goes to get ready." - Ryan

"Yeah she leaves around 8" - me

"Yes, then after she leaves, we do the tasks for the day- cleaning, washing, etc. we can chill for 2 hours in the afternoon after lunch but then we have to get to work again. In the evening she either texts what she wants for dinner or tells us after getting home."

I nodded. Just as we finished our cups, Miss came down the stairs.

"Good morning, pets"

"Morning mistress," we said in union.

"So today I have to go in a little late. I thought, why not use this time to teach Lee the basic rules of the house now okay?"

She was mainly talking to Ryan.

I handed miss her cup of coffee and we went into the living room. She sat on the couch facing us.

"Ryan.. I assume you remember them."

"Yes, mistress."

"Lee, there are 10 golden rules you need to follow all the time being my sub.

He will say them twice. Then once for you to repeat. You can write them down. I want to memorize word to word by tomorrow evening. Do the task, and get a reward. Fail and get punished."

"Yes miss" - me

She gestures to Ryan to speak.

"10 golden rules to follow while submitting to mistress Jenna -

One. a submissive must always bow his head in submission. He is not allowed to look at mistress in any circumstances unless ordered otherwise.

Two. A submissive must always follow every order and command given by the mistress. If he fails to obey, he should ask for punishment.

Three. A submissive should not move from his position and/or speak without permission.

Four. the only thing a submissive is allowed to speak unless ordered otherwise in A. Yes/No mistress

B. thankyou mistress

C. okay mistress.

Five. a submissive will always greet the mistress in an assigned position.

Six. a submissive must always respond vocally.

Seven. A submissive will always tell the truth, even if it means punishment for him.

Eight. A submissive will follow healthy diet and exercise practices.

Nine. a submissive must take all the punishments without any complaint.

Ten. and most important one. Needs, wishes and desires of the mistress come before all. A submissive must not forget that he is here to please mistress."

He sang these rules like he was reading it. He did it two times more. Not even a 'and' was out of place. I wondered whether I'll be able to by-heart it like I that in just two days.

I brought a notepad and wrote it down.

After breakfast, the mistress divided the tasks for us to do.

Tasks- lee: making all the meals of the day. Washing, drying and folding all clothes. Buying groceries and other supplies for the house.

Ryan: cleaning all the rooms which include the living room, kitchen, balcony and bathroom on the ground floor. Two bedrooms and drawing room, playroom on the 1st floor. Mistress's room on specific days if ordered.

Sometime before lunch she left for the office. I wondered what case she was working on or what else was going on in the office. I had thought that a break from work wouldn't be such a bad thing.

In the evening right before dinner she returned. We followed our routine. After dinner we saw a movie and then went to sleep.

Time skip:

It's been 3 weeks and it's all amazing. We have sessions and I am trained on weekends. Ryan is an amazing friend and I enjoy his company very much. We have been to the dungeon thrice since our last visit.

Today is a very important day for my mistress. There is a meeting at her house and her boss is going to be there. I know that person and it's a huge deal for her. We have been instructed to go out for the evening. I prepared a delicious dinner and arranged the living room. Then we left.

We had planned to go to the dungeon but decided to go to a pub instead. Just to talk and hangout. Miss told us specifically to not get too much drink but we can have some..

It was a chill pub.. People were playing games on one side, some girls were dancing. We started drinking.. And talking.. It was good. I was feeling good.

Jenna's POV.

'It's going to be fine. It's going to be good.' This was the first time I had invited my bosses to the house. This is very important to me. I am in line for a huge promotion at work and this is just to seal that deal. My boss is to be honest a complete bitch. But yeah.. I have to kiss his ass no matter how much I hate to get going.

I take the tray of refilled drinks from the kitchen and place them in front. My boss and his wife are here.

I was going very well until-

*bell rings*

'Who the fuck?' 


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