(Main Story) The New Arrival

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"I can't believe it!" Lee shouted as he saw his future home for the rest of his high school days.

Saunders University High-school: School of the free, home of the gifted. Robert D. Lee the only male that was accepted into Saunders was excited to finally see his future school on the horizon.

"A new chapter of life has opened for this country boy!" Lee shouted happily

"Hey kid, we're about to reach you're pick up location" the captain of the small transport boat said to Lee

"I hear you loud and clear!" Lee said while getting down from the railing he was standing on and then returning to his seat

"A new life on the sea... If only you girls were here to see this"


"Hey Kay look at this frog I found!" lifting the frog in his hands

"Where?!" She shouted

"There you two are!" a short girl with pigtails shouted

"We've been looking for you two for a while now" a taller girl with short hair said in a calm tone

"Alisa! Naomi! Where have you two been all day?" Lee asked while tilting his head sideways

"I could say the same for you two as well" the tall girl said

"We were looking for frogspawn!" Kay enthusiastically said

The short girl looked down at the frogs in the river with a look of disgust covering her entire face "You two are soooo gross!" the short girl shouted

"Hey Alisa, look at this" the tall girl picked up a frog and put on the short girls head

"Eikk get it away from me! Naomi why!" the short girl shouted as Lee and the others laughed

Flashback End

"I miss those days..." Lee said daydreaming

"Hey kid, we're here already" the captain said snapping Lee out of his blissful trance


As Lee got on to the ship's lower deck and climbed up at least 20 flights of stairs reaching a student use only elevator that brought him to the main deck of the ship

"This just looks like downtown!" Lee shouted spooking some students walking by "Sorry.." Lee said while scratching his head in embarrassment


"Ok.... I'm lost" Lee said defeated, the dense city streets were really foreign to him as a country boy for most of his life

Lee sighed "I think I gotta ask for help" Lee saw a girl in a helmet and approached her

"Hi there sorry to bother you but can you help me I'm lost ehe" Lee said embarrassed

"Oh.. Sorry but are you new here?" the girl asked Lee

"Yes I am and sorry again for bothering you"

"No prob I'm Emily but everyone just calls me Helmet-chan!" see said extending her hand towards him

"Well hello Emily I'm Lee, Robert D. Lee" he said while shaking her hand

"Nice to meet you then! Where are you trying to get to?"

"The student dormitory"

"Oh so your the new transfer student!"

"Yeah that's me"

"Anyway it's just a few blocks down and a left"

"Thank you so much Emily!" Lee gleefully said

"No problem now try to get some shut eye because tomorrow is going to be a big day for you!"

"I will don't worry"

"Anyway see you later" Emily said while she walked away

"Bye!" Lee said and proceeded to wave her goodbye


"Room 66...oh here it is" he put his key in the lock and proceeded to open it

"Yep my stuff is here already" seeing all the boxes of his things on the floor "I'll unpack tomorrow I'm beat" Lee then put down his bag and flopped on to his bed falling asleep on the blanket with a smile.

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