(Main Story) The Reunion: Naomi

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"Aw crap, I'm gonna be late!" Lee shouted to himself realising it was 20 minutes before his first class and before he knew it he was almost late.

Lee breathed heavily trying to catch his breath "Phew I made it" Lee said still tired from the run


After Lee was introduced to his class he then went to choose his primary elective "What the heck is Tankery?" Lee asked himself ".... Sure it sounds fun so why not give it a shot!" Lee said to himself as he signed himself up for Tankery

"Hey!" Lee heard from behind and he turned to look who shouted

"Your Lee right?" The girl who shouted asked

"Yes, I am why do you ask?"

"Someone from the Tankery team asked me to get you so please follow me"

"Ok lead the way" Lee said as he rose to his feet to follow her


"What do they want from me?" Lee asked the girl

"I don't know miss Naomi just asked me to check on you, so here we are!" She said as they both arrived at a large tank shed.

"Is it "that" Naomi" Lee thought to himself as the girl opened the door to the shed

"Vice-Commander Naomi! He's here!" she screamed echoing throughout the large shed. Lee then saw a tall girl chewing bubblegum turn around

"It is you!" Lee said starting to smile

She blew a bubble and popped it "Yep, did you miss me?" Naomi said in a friendly and joking tone

Lee then ran towards Naomi and hugged her tightly

"Whoa slow down there! What if someone thinks we're dating?" Naomi said to Lee but he proceeded to lift her up while still hugging her

"Too high! Too high!" Naomi practically screamed while Lee laughed at her reaction


"So this is where you've been all this time" Lee said overlooking the town from the roof of the school

"Yeah, it's really fun here" Naomi said looking at him with a smile "You want a soda?" she asked

"Yeah sure, mind getting me a Pepsi?" Lee asked

"Yes, yes I do"

As Naomi went down to the cafeteria to buy her and Lee's drinks she can't help but think about the past


"Hey Naomi" Lee said "Do you think you found someone who is sooo special to you that you would do anything for them?" he asked her

"No, have you?" she asked back

"I think so but still, I don't know how I feel fully yet"

"Just don't rush these feelings ok, love is a strong emotion" she said

"It's not love!" he shouted

"Right right" she said back not believing what he said

Flashback end

"Who was he thinking about when he said that?"


"I'm back!" Naomi announced to a empty rooftop "Lee?" she said with a worried expression

"Boo!" Lee shouted from behind her

"Ahh!" Naomi screamed in a girly tone "You dick! Why'd you do that?!" she shouted at him

"Sorry I thought it would be funny" grabbing his soda from Naomi's hand "Hey this is a Coke I said I wanted Pepsi"

"Yeah there wasn't anything else in the cafeteria" she said while leaning against the cement railing "Things really have changed in the past couple of years" she said reminiscing about the past

"Yeah.... You look attractive now" Lee said as a joke

"Shut up!" Naomi said and then let out a small chuckle while Lee joined her near the railing

"Cheers to old friends meeting?" Lee asked Naomi

"Sure, but I'm not the only one here!" they proceeded to clack their drinks together and spent the rest of after school period on the roof together.

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