(Main Story) Nearly a Year

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In a quite, still forest. Raindrops trickle down form the canopy above, turning soil to mud.

"Can hardly see anything out there"
Alisa climbs down from the hatch

Her and her crew, huddle together in a small cave in one of Saunders' artificial forest training areas

"My sight is pretty clear, but the rain hinders my aim alot"
Lee says unscoping

"I heard that the rains gonna get worse tomorrow"
Helmet-Chan chimed in

The crew sat thinking about tomorrow's match against Rushmore. Could they win? And if so, how? Ideas filled their minds until someone broke the silence

"I hate to be the one to say this but. It's cold."
Simone said, tone as cold as the air

"Makes sense, it's almost winter"
Amy rocks back and forth in her seat

"I wonder if they cancelled today's training?"
Lee asks

"I heard nothing about it"
Alisa answers

Her radio flickers with static before Naomi's voice echoes out.

"Kay says, practice is cancelled. Let's all head home, she said.
Naomi sounded disappointed

They collectively sigh

"So much for practice"
Alisa flops into her seat

"And I was all prepped and everything..."
Helmet-chan placed a shell back into the rack

"Hmph, I guess we should get going"
Lee says

Simone shifts the tank around before rolling back to the hangar.


Lee arrives at Edward's place, he rings the doorbell.

Edward's voice calls out and opens the door

"Hey Eddie..."
Lee looks up at him, disappointed

The two share a sigh

"I told you so. Come in, I made coffee"
Edward ushers him in

Lee enters, and feels a rush of warm heat as he does

"Fireplace? Really?"
Lee points at it at the center of the living room

"My parents made sure I'd feel at home here"
He pours a cup of coffee, giving it to Lee

"Thanks man"
Lee sits down, cup in hand

The two take a sip, each slowly starting to relax

Edward breaks the silence

Lee asks

"Did she accept?"
Edward asks back

"Oh. Nah, she says the male and female students can't share a dorm together."
Lee sets his cup down on the smooth Mahogany coffe table

He sips

"It's almost been a year, hasn't it?"
Lee asks

"Since you and I got here? If so, yes"
Edward answers

"No, but kinda yeah"
Lee babbles

Edward sits confused

"We've been friends for nearly a year now!"
Lee announces

Edward says in disbelief

"Yeah dude!"
Lee enthusiasticly answers back

They both laugh

"It felt like I've known you all my life, is all"
Edward somberly says

"Me too"
He pats his shoulder

Lee ruffles around in his bag

"Can I set something up?
Lee asked

"Sure, but what?"
Edward asked too

Lee pulls out a Nintendo Wii and starts setting it up near the fireplace

"We. Are going to game the night away!"
Lee proudly shouts

"But, I don't know how to play!"
Edward sreamed nervously

"Me neither, it's been out for at least three years now so it's still pretty new! That's what makes it fun!"
Lee tosses a controller to Edward that he fails to catch

"Just so you know, I'm pretty competitive!"

The two started to play, from Wii Sports to Smash Bros. to even Punch Out!! Unsurprisingly, Lee won nearly every single game

"I declare myself the winner of this GameAthlon!"
Lee proudly exclaims

"At least I won at Wii Sports"
Edward said

"Of course you won at the rich person sports!"
Lee complained

They stared at each other and laughed for a while

"Hey Ed, could I stay over?"
Lee poked him

"Sure, we can bunk in my room"
Edward gets up

"Tomorrow's the match right?"
Lee asks

"You forgot already?"
Edward asked

"No, I'm just worried"
Lee rubbed his arm

"Chin up old chap, we've got this!"
Edward cheers

"Thanks Eddie..."
Lee smiled

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