(Main Story) Staying The Night

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Lee and Kay walk down a quite, empty street towards Lee's dorm, both still covered in mud

"You can really be the worst you know" Kay said removing some slightly hardened mud from her hair

"Same as you, ya dork" Lee said doing the same

"Hey Lee, how far is your dorm again?" Kay asked still wiping off mud from her clothes and hair

"It's just a block or two down this way and we're there" Lee said with confidence

"I'll trust you on that one but..." Kay said with a look of slight concern on her face

"But what? You need to use the bathroom?" Lee replied confused

"Not that, but kinda, I need to shower and the female dorm is separate from the 'special male only dorm', why is the male dorm so large anyway?" Kay asked

"I don't know, I should be asking you that since you've been here longer than me, and it's okay, you can shower at my place" Lee said, surprisingly calm

"Wait! Shower?! At your place?!" Kay shouted, Lee quickly covering her mouth

"Could you quite down! People are trying to sleep!" Lee scolded her in a quite yet strict tone

Kay stayed quite and followed Lee back to his dorm and they both went in

"Welcome, to my humble abode~" Lee said holding the door for her

"Thanks for.. having.. me" Kay said shakily

"What's wrong?" Lee put his hand on her shoulder

"It's just... I've never been in a boy's room before, so I'm a bit nervous"

"It's o-Kay, eh eh!" Lee said nudging her

"That was horrible."

"I know also, that was a nice Simone impression, I'll get some clothes ready for you so you go first"

"Oh okay, and u-"

"There's a towel inside on the rack, feel free to use my shampoo too" Lee cut her off

"T-thanks" She said as she went in

In the shower (you filthy degenerates)

"Everything is goin' to be alright Kay, Lee's an old friend, you two are just FRIENDS" She thought to herself

The bathroom door suddenly opened causing her to  jump and cover herself

"Hey! Kay! I put your muddy clothes in the washing machine, and I put some clean clothes on the rack for you too!" Lee said popping his head in

"Thanks! Also, knock first!" She shouted back

15 minutes later

"Let's see what we're working with" Kay said looking at the clothes on the rack

A pair of basketball shorts, a Metallica T-shirt,a pair of boxers and a comb

"Not the worst he's ever given me to wear"

Flashback to Lee giving Kay cat ears to wear as a dare

"I know that was when we were kids, but I'm not forgiving him, not for a second" Kay said to herself

5 minutes later

"Took you long enough to change" Lee said stirring a pot of noodles

"That smells great, whatcha' cooking?"

"Pasta, we're eating good tonight" Lee said with a big smile on his face

"I can't wait! I'll set the table, where are the plates?"

"In the dishwasher, it's right next to me"

28 minutes later

"Oh god Lee... If you keep cooking like this, how are you not fat yet? Kay said with her stomach full

"Because, I eat in moderation" He says taking Kay's plate from under her

"You callin' me fat?" Kay said with a slight southern accent in her voice

"Damn straight." Lee replied with a smug look on his face

"Well you ain't wrong, I gained like 12 kilograms in the last month alone!"

"How much is that in Freedom™?"

"Enough to shove it down your throat. Can I really stay the night?" Kay asked

"Yeah, I'll sleep on the couch you can sleep in my room" Lee suggested

"No, I'll sleep on the couch, YOU can sleep in your room" Kay said standing up

"I insist." Lee got closer

"No, I insist." Kay did the same

One game of rock-paper-scissors later, it was decided, Kay slept on the couch and Lee in his room.

Author's note:Hey guys, I'm finally back to writing this again! And I hope you all stay tuned for more!

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