(Main Story) A New Arrival Part 2

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After the announcement of a new student and a male one no less had everyone curious at the thought that another male will be appart of they're school.

Meanwhile at Oorai Girls Academy

"Hey President, do you think we'll get a male student too?" A girl wearing a monocle asked

"I don't know Momo, but I hope so" The student council president said while eating her chips

Then a girl with fluffy brown hair arrives in the student council room

"You wanted to see me Miss President?" She asked

"Finally, okay we have a "special" mission for you" The President responded

"Okay then, what is it?" The fluffy haired girl asked

"You'll see..." The President said ominous tone

Back at Saunders

Edward stretched as he stepped out of his transport helicopter "This place seems... Quite lovely" Edward said while looking around the landing area


"Everyone this is-" The teacher was cut off

"I'm sorry Miss but can I introduce myself?" Edward asked the teacher

"Oh, sure thing!"

"Lovely! Good morning all of you, I'm Edward Harrison I'm 17 years of age and I'm from Yorkshire, I hope we can all get along and be friends!"

"He seems nice" Lee thought to himself with a small smile on his face.

"Teacher!" A girl in the middle row said "Can I ask him a question?"

"I'd be happy to answer!" Edward responded cheerfully


After a solid 10 minutes of questions Edward finally sat down and class resumed as normal and it was now lunch period

"Erm..." Lee heard as someone taped on his shoulder turning around he saw Edward

"Hey Eddie, can I help you?" Lee asked

"E-Eddie?... Well yes you can!" Edward said "Do you want to have lunch with me... Please." Edward asked shyly

"Sure! Meet me on the roof later today alright" Lee responded

"Of course!" Edward said happy that in his mind he made a friend

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