(Main Story) The Star Herself

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2 days before Lee arrived at Saunders

"Do I really have to go?" Kay asked in a whiny tone

"Of course, this is a meeting that the commander of each school has too attend" Naomi replied to the wbiny Kay making her even more whiny

"But-" Kay said

"But what?" Naomi cut her off

"Someone is coming to our school soon" Kay said and proceeded to pout

"Ooooh~ I didn't know you got a boyfriend~? Ever since we moved to Nagasaki you've been quite the eye catcher~" Naomi said teasing the pouty and now very flustered Kay

"It's not like that! He's just a friend and who's going around and talking about me behind my back?!" Kay said with her cheeks (not those ones) being covered in a light blush

"I didn't say anything about that~" Naomi said rolling her eyes and cracking a small smirk

"Riiiight, sure you didn't" Kay said and then proceeded to go back to pouting

1 week before Lee arrived at Saunders

"Are you Miho Nishizumi?" Kay asked

"Hmph?" The girl then turned around "You have the wrong sibling, I'm Maho"

"Oh! Haha sorry you to look alot alike as all hehe" Kay said bowing her head in embarrassment

"It's alright, I was just looking for her myself" Maho replied to the embarrassed Kay

"I'll be going now so see ya!" Kay said

"Okay?" Maho said tilting her head in confusion

Kay then sped of in the opposite direction completely red in the face

"Is that how they socialise in America?" Maho asked herself "Wait..... Isn't Saunders Japanese?!"

The day arrived at Saunders

"Dangit, I can't greet him" Kay thought to herself before letting out a big sigh

"Hello" A voice called out from behind her

"Ahhgh!" Kay jumped up and shouted

"Oh, sorry to spook you, I'm Kinuyo Nishi the commander of Chi-ha-tan Academy" She then introduced herself

"Wait... The school who hasn't won a tournament in like... 3 years?" Kay asked Nishi

"We're Chi-ha-tan not Anzio." Nishi swiftly replied

"Aren't Anzio the girls with the good pasta?"

"Yes, yes they are and I intend on having some soon" Nishi then replied

"Same here! Oh and I'm-" Kay was then cut off

"Kay nickname "Star" by Saunders students, Yes I've heard of you" Nishi said... Surprisingly serious

"Well then... Wanna go get some pasta and pizza from Anzio?" Kay then gestured outside

"Certainly!" Nishi happily replied

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