The final fight.

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Ash had finally regained all his energy and was called to go to the stadium.

Press mic:thanks for tuning in to the final fight of the ua sports festival!this match will dicide the winner of the festival.Bakugo vs ash!


Right as midnight said begin

Bakugo:listen.I don't want some half battle.if your gonna fight me give me all you've got!

Ash then smiled and said

Ash:if you say so.

Ash then teleported infront of bakugo and finger flicked him nearly out of the ring.before he could ash then teleported in front of him and gave him many blows knocking him in the center of the ring.

Ash:you still sure you want full power?

Bakugo then started charging at ash but before he could reach him ash teleported behind him and kicked him in the back knocking him out out of the ring.

Midnight:bakugo is out of the ring!Ash from class 1a wins!!

present Mic : And now, all of the events have been completed! The winner of this year's first year U.A. sports festival is... from Class A

Ash Joseph!

Midnight : All of the first-year events for this year's U.A. Sports Festival have been completed. And now, we will begin the award ceremony! 

The ground of the field started to open up and a platform with the top three students of the tournament start to rise up.In third place Louie dine 🥉 in second place katsuki bakugo 🥈 and I'm first place was ash standing proud 🥇 

Ash then looked over to Louie and Louie gave him a confident thumbs up.

Bakugo then looked at Louie completely furious and tried to lunge at him, but couldn't while Louie was just looking down. Midnight then notices the cameras that were on her and looks over to them.

Midnight : In addition to bakugo, there is also Iida in third place, but he left early for family reasons. Thank you for understanding! 

1She then winks at the cameras as ash  notices this.

Ash  : Was that for the media?

Tsuyu : That's too bad. Iida was really into it.

Midoriya : *sadly* Yeah...

Midnight : Now, we will award the medals! The presentation of the medals will, of course, be by this man--

Suddenly, everyone heard a laughing and they all knew who it was. They all started to get excited and cheered loudly as they knew it was the laugh of All Might. 

All Might : I have brought the medals here!

Midnight : Our very own hero, All Might!All Might then landed and looked over at Midnight a little annoyed as she talked over the number 1 hero.

Midnight : Our very own hero, All Might!All Might then landed and looked over at Midnight a little annoyed as she talked over the number 1 hero

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