Louie vs yaoyorozu.

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It had been about 20 minutes and the match was starting.

Louie was walking on stage 

Present mic:thanks for waiting ,now let's get back to the show!In this corner,momo yaoyorozu from class 1a!

The crowd cheered for momo.

Present mic:and in this corner,also from class 1a,Louie dine!!

In the stand's

Charlie:there both so good.I wonder who is gonna win?

Ash:I'm calling it right now.it's gonna be Louie.

Back to the match


Yaoyorozu then made a shield.


A metal car then fell on top of yaoyorozu. But she blocked it with her shield.


The car turned into a truck and fell onto of yaoyorozu.

Louie: Final fall...boulder!

A Boulder then fell on her but she was not able to dodge but was only able to make a guard making her trapped under the Boulder.

Midnight:yaoyorozu is imoblized!Louie from class 1a wins!

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