tree mor bebes-teh gorls

21 3 12

Shapir phyv

Peple sed taht tehy want ed me to keyp riting so hr iz a new shapture

I t wuz teh fith dai an i wuz gunna go git brake fas butt sud den lee i fel ofer becuz i wus prehanahgananatae an teh beebs wer comin an tehn i hed teh ebes an tere were tree butt too of teh ebes wer not GREWS teh wer berrys and loo eeee gees butt teh therd wuz grews

Grew waked in teh rum an sed skek w uts hapenig i hed mor bebes i sed but teh grew picked up a beb an sed dis on is a B he sed i no ut is berrys ebeb i sed

Tis is wut teh beb luked lik it nam wus hunny

 but y isnt it mi bebe grew sed tis on is ur bebe her nam is shru

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but y isnt it mi bebe grew sed tis on is ur bebe her nam is shru

an wut abot tis on tis on is loo e gees beb i sed her nam is peech

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an wut abot tis on tis on is loo e gees beb i sed her nam is peech

Tehy r so uglee sed ronalild micdanild no tehy r not i sed tehy r bew ti full gorls an i luv them vry muc

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Tehy r so uglee sed ronalild micdanild no tehy r not i sed tehy r bew ti full gorls an i luv them vry muc

I ca'nt beeleve u sed srek i thut u lived mi

I doo i sed tehn i ned u to thro awy teh bebes taht rnt min but i luv tehm i sed an teh bebs sed we luv u dud beecuz teh bebs wer 13 now tehn i ned u to lminat looegee an berry frum te comp e ti sion so it wo'nt hap n agen ok i sed

Ten i wen to brake fest wit mi gorls an grew tehn i saw ronalad macdinald agen an he sed y ar u bridging thes uglee cree sures arond wit u an i sed u cal tehm cre sures agen an i wil fite u

What cre sures thos wons he sed an ponted at teh gorls tehn i fote him BUTT tehn vansessannsa droped frum teh seeling an sarted to fite me two VANSEnanansanASA wut r u do ing her i sed u dont get to fite my roniald macdinald he is min an u cant hur t him

Wut i sed

tehn it was tim fur teh rows sear uh mow knee an it wuz relly fast an relly ez becuz i prowmizzed grew taht i wuld l min eight luw ee gee an berry an tehn i l min eighted rinald macdinald an vanseasnansa four teh sec und tim an tehy crid but i dint cri becuz i wus happy becuz i culd kep mi bebs

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