
  "Ok ok I'm sorry. That's not called for", she got up and sighed. Then she started off, the night not holding her back from knowing the lay out of the grave site. 

  "I love you by the way", she mumbled to herself  before taking off to her apartment.


   The dim light of the moon was another source of light that guided her up the stairs to her complex and when she entered, took a shower, and dozed off on the couch writing in her notebook. It was around 3:00 a.m by that time she knocked off, her owl spirit allowing her to stay up at darkly hours.

    While Audri was visiting the grave site, the Sohmas that remained shocked at her outburst were left to dwell and wonder if they would ever see her again like that.

  Kyo, Yuki, Tohru, and Haru stayed in the dining room, each crouched in front of the table. Momoji being the exception as he had his arms wrapped around Haru, resting his chin on his head.

  "Audri lives in the outside as well", he whispered and closed his eyes. They had a hint of sadness to them and Tohru took notice.

  "Yea but as you can see we haven't seen her in a while. Sorry to drag you down in that hectic reunion.", Yuki took a sip of his tea.

  "Yea if you can call it that. She should of just stayed home.", Kyo scoffed. He faced the door hunched over.

   "I was hoping she would at least give us a chance. Kisa really wants to meet her." Haru chimed in and settled his elbow in the desk leaning his chin to rest on it.

Tohru was quiet up until Haru's quiet, "Wait she hasn't met the Kisa yet . How about Hiro?"

   He shook his head, "Audri is one year older than Shigure and as soon as she turned 19, she moved out. So Kisa and Hiro weren't even born yet."

   "Honestly, the closest one to her is Shigure, as you can't tell their relationship is almost as if they are a old married couple.", Yuki remarked.

  "Well despite everything I really like her and hope to see her again.", Tohru clapped her hand together. Being the optimistic person she is, she believed that Audri would come up again. And maybe, like the others she may want to get to know her better.

Outside his door, Shigure and Hatori stood to have a conversation themselves. "Akito knows", Hatori spoke and to that Shigure sighed.

  "Of course she does. And I presume she wanted a reunion with her before word got around.",  Shigure moved some of the hair that got in his face from the cool night wind.

   "Yea and she wanted to done tonight."

   "Oh well guess its time for me to visit.", he turned to slip his sandals on. The lack of hesitation in his voice made it clear he's been waiting for the right moment to go to her place. And this time he had a reason.

Hatori noticed how quick he was ready to leave his place. Let alone visit Audrina, "Maybe you should wait till tomorrow."

  Shigure paused and looked to the sky and sighed, "I guess you're right.........Then I'll be at her door tomorrow morning! A lovely surprise.", he lifted a finger and put on a snarky grin.

  Hatori sighed and shook his head. He walked past him to get Momji but before walking in the dining area, he paused, "Why don't I trust you with her.... Even after all these years.", he paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... don't reel her into it again."

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