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hyunsuk groaned as he slowly flattered his eyes open, just as he woke up, his head has been throbbing like hell.

the fuck, my head hurts like hell. why did i even agree to go with yoshi. he shook his head, only for it to hurt more. God, he felt like his head was about to crack open any minute now.

he scanned his room, and checked the time, it was 11:34. did i overslept? what happened last night? all he could remember is that he went crazy last night.

he went to his bathroom to change, with his huge headache that keeps on bothering him.

as he was done preparing himself, he decided to go downstairs to eat something and hopefully find some painkillers, since his head was still throbbing like crazy.

he was about to open his door, when a memory of last night suddenly appeared in his head, making him stop.

“i like you.”

hyunsuk's eyes widen, the grip of the doorknob tightened. shit shit shit. he cursed.

his head hurts more because of the memory, fuck how am i gonna face him now? he wanted to scream, and shout. he wanted to punch himself right in the face for saying that.

he flopped down on his bed, not wanting to eat no more, he just lost his appetite. he sighed and groaned.

“time to ignore him.” he whispered to himself, he just hoped that jihoon won't say a single thing about what happened last night, and just moved on like nothing happened, then maybe he can avoid him.

he wanted to sleep. he wanted to forget about what happened last night, but what can he do? he obviously can't. he whined from his bed, and looked at the time, 1:56. he had hadn't went outside for hours. and hus stomach's hurting, along with his head.

he bitted his lip, after sometime of thinking and debating, he decided to silently sneak downstairs. he was about to stand up, when he heard his phone ring, making him stop.

he grabbed his phone and saw yoshi's number calling him. he furrowed his brows, but nonetheless, he answered it.

“hello? yoshi? are you alright? does your head hurt? did you ea–” he didn't get to finish his words, when the younger cutt him off.

“geez geez, yes i'm okay. wow, you sound like a mom. i called because i'm  worried about you.” yoshi chuckled, making hyunsuk too.

“well.. im fine.. just a little headache. are you okay with junghwan now?” hyunsuk asked hesitantly, he expected a sigh, but he heard laughter's coming from the phone, making him smile.

“wait, does that mean you two are okay now?!” he couldn't help but hop joyfully in his bed, he wouldn't endure such sight of yoshi being heartbroken and all.

yoshi hummed, hyunsuk could feel yoshi's smile from the call, “yep, we're okay now. how about you? is something wrong? is everything okay with jihoon..?” hyunsuk pursed his lips when he heard that. he sighed and whined.

“hyunsuk? are you okay?” yoshi asked, with a tint of worry in his voice.

hyunsuk sighed once again, feeling his heart clenching. “i fucking told him i like him.” he groaned as soon as he said that, “hyunsuk, really?!” he heard yoshi squealing like a rat, he hissed when he heard that, he pulled his phone down from his ear, before groaning while humming.

“then what did he say? did he say he likes you too–”

“no. he said he doesn't.” yoshi was taken aback when he heard that, he cleared his throat, before speaking. “w-what? that must be mistaken.” yoshi furrowed his brows.

hyunsuk just heaved a long sigh, before flopping down on his bed. “i don't know what to do anymore. i'm planning on avoiding him as for this moment, i can't take it. i kept on hoping that maybe.. just maybe he likes me back, even though i heard it a million times that he doesn't like me back..” his voice cracked as he said that, he could feel his eyes stinging.

yoshi sighed from the call, he hates seeing and hearing his best friend like this, it hurts him too.

“hyunsuk..” he muttered, hyunsuk jolted from the bed and weakly chuckled.

“don't worry about me, yoshi. i can handle this.” hyunsuk reassured, yoshi just sighed. “fine.. have you eaten already?” that made hyunsuk's eyes widen.

“uhm.. not really..? i mean i woke up at 11 am, and you know–” he couldn't finish his words when yoshi scolded him, making him sigh.

“what the fuck, hyunsuk?! you should eat now, it's past 1 already, and you haven't eaten anything yet, you know breakfast is important!” yoshi stated the obvious. hyunsuk just chuckled at the younger.

“i will, i will. geez.. you sound like a mom.” hyunsuk huffed, yoshi just chuckled at the remark.

“okay, i gotta go. junghwan call me, make sure to eat breakfast, okay?” yoshi reminded, hyunsuk hummed as a response, before ending the call.

he sat up, and bitted his lips and softly shook his head. i hope i don't see him. he thought, before standing up and carefully walking towards his door.

he quickly opened the door, so it won't produce any sound, he peeked outside, using his head. once he didn't see anyone, he silently sighed. great, he isn't here.

he couldn't help but slightly smile. he tip toed his way towards downstairs, not wanting to be seen.

once he arrived at the kitchen, he heaved out a long sigh, he didn't notice that he was holding his breath in his way here.

he scanned the kitchen, and saw a bowl of soup, he bit his lower lip, that can make my hangover better. he shrugged, he pulled the bowl of soup towards him. he furrowed his brows when he saw painkillers beside the bowl.

weird..? is this for me?

he shrugged again, he grabbed a glass of water, he was about to drink the painkillers, when he heard a voice coming from behind him. making him freeze.


God, why must his summer be this cruel?




–to be continued–

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