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hyunsuk looked at himself at the mirror smiling like crazy, red eyes and hair sticking out everywhere. he didn't get enough sleep yesterday night, because all he could think is jihoon. jihoon that, jihoon this, jihoon all.

“it's beautiful like you.”

jihoon's words kept on repeating in his head, he groaned while ruffling his hair harshly.

he grabbed his phone that was laying down on the bedside table, and quickly dialed yoshi's number.

after much ringing, the latter finally picked up, “what's up suk, what do you need?” yoshi spoke in the other call.

hyunsuk took a deep breath, before sighing, “yosh, i don't think i can so this anymore.” he simply said, making yoshi's brows furrow.

“hyunsuk? what happened? hey, breathe bro.” yoshi said worrying for his friend, when he heard hyunsuk making really weird noises.

“yoshi. i don't know what to do anymore! help.” hyunsuk sulked and flopped down on his bed.

yoshi sighed, “i can't help if you don't tell me what happened.” he stated, hyunsuk heaved out a deep sigh.

“okay. so me and jihoon went out last night at the han river, we hanged out for sometime, and then we eat ramen,
after that, we walked beside the river and he suddenly stopped. only to tell me that the moon's beautiful like me!” he said it faster,sounding like he rapped.

luckily yoshi catched up, making the younger squeal very loud, that hyunsuk took the phone off his ears.

“stop squealing like a rat, dumbass!” he scolded while groaning, yoshi finally stopped and took a long breath.

“can't you see! you're so dense as fuck. he like you for real!” yoshi exclaimed, hyunsuk rolled his eyes.

“yeah right, but i think im gonna ignore him for today, or even tomorrow, or even next tom–”

“chill suk, y'all hanged out for like a month now, just when you two are starting to be comfortable, you're gonna ignore him?” yoshi cut him off, hyunsuk sighed when he heard what yoshi said.

“i don't know.. it's just awkward you know? okay, let's stop talking about this. are you free today? i wanna hang out, it'd been weeks since we last hanged out.” hyunsuk muttered, he furrowed his brows when he heard yoshi hissing.

“uhm.. im sorry suk.. junghwan asked me to hangout with him first..” yoshi explained, hyunsuk frowned when yoshi told him that.

“it's okay, im just gonna think of something i could do, have fun with you date!” he hanged up, and threw his phone on the bed. he huffed while ruffling with his hair.

“what should i do.. should i go outside? nah, my social anxiety can't. hang out with jih– nope, never and not again. oh my.. what should i–” he couldn't finish talking to himself, when someone knocked on his door, he gulped and sighed.

he opened his door, while shutting his eyes shut, he sighed. before flattering his eyes, only to see jihoon scratching his nape. “God, why is this always happening to me?” he thought, he quickly shook his head and smiled.

“u-uh.. what do you need jihoon..?” he pressed his lips into a thin line, jihoon chuckled nervously and gave him a handmade sandwich.

hyunsuk furrowed his brows and looked at him, “w-what's this for..?”

jihoon smiled, “i know i made things awkward because of what i said last night, so i made this sandwich for you. since you didn't come down earlier for breakfast, because of me.. so here, im sorry.” he looked away.

hyunsuk's heart beat faster as he took the sandwich in the plate, his cheeks getting hot. “oh God.. if only you knew how much i like you..” he shook his head and bowed.

“t-thank you so much.” he smiled nervously, jihoon looked up to see hyunsuk smiling widely, amd his cheeks pink.

he patted the older's shoulder and smiled, “are you busy today?” he asked.

hyunsuk raised a brow and shook his head, “no, why..?” he said while munching the sandwich, he smiled in satisfaction, jihoon is really good im making things like this.

jihoon smiled widely and putted his two hands on the older's shoulder. “do you want to hangout?” he scrunched his nose and leaned close to hyunsuk's face.

the older got flustered and looked away, not wanting jihoon to see his puffed cheeks full of sandwich. “w-where?” he quickly munched and swallowed the food.

“anywhere you want.” that made hyunsuk choke while swallowing the food jihoon made for him.

jihoon widened his eyes, and scanned the place, his eyes went to his water bottle that he brought while heading to hyunsuk's room, since he know this was most likely to happen.

he hurriedly gave his water bottle to the older, who was still choking.

hyunsuk gladly accepted it and quickly drunk the younger's offer.

the two of them had finally calm down, making hyunsuk sigh. jihoon was quiet the whole time, lips pressed into a thin line and cheeks pink.

indirect kiss.

that all he could think of, hyunsuk who noticed it, furrowed his brows, “j-jihoon.. are you okay?” he squinted his brows, as he went closer to the older face, touching the laters forehead.

jihoon's eyes widen and gently pushed the older away, “y-yeah, im fine.”

oh, how the tables had turn.

jihoon cleared his throat and looked at the older. “so.. where do you want to go..?” he asked.

hyunsuk widen his eyes upon remembering the question.

“u-uhm.. anywhere you want to go.. im okay.” hyunsuk chuckled nervously, jihoon's eyes sparkled at the older's statement.

“really!? you'll be fine?” he grabbed both of the older's hands, as he was excited.

“y-yeah..” hyunsuk nodded slowly, jihoon smiled from ear to ear, before pulling away.

“then let's go camping! pack your things!” he jumped excitedly, hyunsuk's eyes widen.

“w-what?” he asked flustered, he blinked as he was confused.

“pack your things, cause we'll be going on a camp right now! overnight. so bring extra clothes if you want.” jihoon smiled at him.

hyunsuk's heart started to beat abnormally again.

“just the two of us..?” hyunsuk questioned, while bitting his lower lip.

jihoon showed him his famous smile, “just the two of us.”

the older's eyes widen, imagining so many things what could possibly happen. he gulped and chuckled nervously. “i-is your mom fine with it?”

jihoon excitedly nod, “yes.”

hyunsuk closed his eyes, before smiling, “t-then will you excuse me, as i'll be packing right now.” he muttered.

jihoon hummed in response, before waving him a good bye, “i'll be packing too.”

that's the last thing hyunsuk has heard, before closing the door shut.

he leaned on the door, and touched his chest.

“so much for ignoring him. we'll be alone for the night!” he sulked.


OK BUT WTF????? THE BEATBOX TEASER?? THEY'RE SO FINE!!  IM SO EXCITEDJSJCJSJFJ AND IT'S TODAY!! but thank you for reading!! AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 READS IM SO HAPPY!!! i really appreciate it y'all, thank you. love ypu all ❤️❤️!!

Sophieblanky  and XXXMVIM thank y'all so much for being very supportive of my story!!❤️😭

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