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hyunsuk was laying down on his bed, not knowing what to do since he was too bored. it has been weeks since their summer break had started. and jihoon and him got close after sometime.

they would always hangout, if jihoon got nothing to do, and it didn't fail to make hyunsuk startled.

he was about to get his phone, that was laying down on the bedside table. when he heard a knock coming from his door.

he furrowed his brows, and lazily walked towards the door, he opened the door, making his eyes widen.

“j-jihoon? what are you d-doing here..?” he asked feeling flustered, jihoon chuckled at his reaction.

“you really like to stutter do you?” jihoon scrunched his nose while ruffling the older's hair.

hyunsuk got startled at the action, and he didn't know what to respond, so he just nodded hus head slowly.

“you wanna hang out?” the younger smiled proudly, hyunsuk's eyes widen more as the latter said that.

“m-me?” jihoon grinned while nodding, “of course you, is there anyone in thus room, besides you?”

hyunsuk blushed, while shaking his head, “y-yeah i wanna hangout, j-just wait a minute, im gonna change my clothes!” jihoon nodded and hyunsuk quickly closed the door.

he touched his chest with his other hand, while the other was fanning his face. “oh my God!” he whispered quietly, while letting out a small squeal. he looked like a teenage girl, getting asked out by their crush. i mean, would blame him. his crush just literally asked him to hangout.

he quickly calmed himself, before dashing towards his closet. he furrowed his brows as he looked for the right clothes, so he would look presentable.

he decided on just wearing a plain light green t-shirt, and some light brown slacks. he looked at himself in the mirror, before shrugging.

he opened his door, revealing jihoon, who was scrolling through his phone, that slowly looked up.

jihoon smiled and ruffled the older's hair, “you look very good.” he smiled. Hyunsuk's heart skipped a lot of beat. pink blush slowly creeping in his cheeks.

“t-thank you, let's go now, yeah..?” hyunsuk scratched his nape, jihoon nodded and grabbed hyunsuk's arms.

“s-so where are we going..?” hyunsuk said as he adjusted himself at the front seat in the car.

jihoon smiled before starting the engine “do you wanna go to the han river?” he asked, hyunsuk's eyes glittered, and he looked at him.

“really? you'll take me there?!” he smiled widely, jihoon nodded and chuckled. “i will, you can sleep. since it's gonna be a long ride.”

hyunsuk nodded at him, before positioning himself into much comfortable position.

minutes passed, and jihoon didn't hear something from hyunsuk, so he guessed that the older probably is asleep by now. he looked at his side, and saw hyunsuk sleeping peacefully, making him chuckle.

“cute..” he mumbled, before he looked at the road again.

jihoon parked his car, before looking at his side, hyunsuk was still asleep. he softly laughed, as he tapped the older's shoulder.

“suk.. wake up..” he muttered as he continued tapping the older's shoulder softly.

realizing that hyunsuk wasn't waking up, he sighed and stared at the older.

as he was staring, he realized that hyunsuk was indeed beautiful. his lips started to unconsciously part, and his hands started to move on it's own.

his hands brought its way towards the older's face, he furrowed his brows at the strand of the older's face blocked the older's eyes, he smiled at the sight before moving it away.

the smile on his face never disappeared while looking at the beauty infront of him.

he was about to touch the older's hair when he saw that the older was flattering his eyes, making him quickly remove his hands from the older and sat back on his seat.

“y-you're awake.” he smiled nervously, hyunsuk furrowed his brows, before he realized. his eyes widening.

“w-were you waiting for me to wake up? im sorry..” he scratched his nape, jihoon chuckled at the action.

“let's go now, yeah?” jihoon raised a brow while moving his head on the side, hyunsuk bit his lips, before nodding.

the two males walked beside the river, comfortable silence engulfing them. the only sound that was made was their footsteps that was in sync, and the sound of the river. the night was beautiful.

that was until hyunsuk's stomach suddenly made a sound. “fuck, i want to disappear right now.” he thought, the sound made jihoon laugh.

“hungry?” jihoon teasingly said, which made hyunsuk nod his head in embarrassment.

jihoon looked around the place and saw a lot of street food trucks in display. but what caught his attention was the ramen truck, making him smile widely.

“say.. should we go get ramen?” jihoon suddenly asked, making hyunsuk flustered, but what flustered him more was the younger's words.

“w-what?” blush creeping in hyunsuk's face, jihoon noticed it, he furrowed his brows, not getting what's happening. he was about to ask, when he realized. making him smirk.

“oh hyun.. don't think about things like that..” he smirked, while leaning his face close to the older's face. hyunsuk gulped at the sight.

he quickly pushed the younger away, still being flustered. “s-shut up! let's go get ramen, if you want to.” he looked away.

jihoon chuckled at the reaction. “i do want to get ramen. shall we.. get ramen together?” he smirked even more, as he saw hyunsuk's face getting red.

hyunsuk looked at him, before nudging him aside, “l-let's just go!” he exclaimed, before quickly leaving the younger.

jihoon found the action cute, making him chuckle softly. “wait up!” he quickly ran towards the older, trying to catch up.

the two sat down and jihoon placed two of the ramen while hyunsuk was helping him.

they started eating with a uncomfortable silence between them, so hyunsuk decided to just stay quiet. not wanting to embarrass himself no more.

while jihoon wanted to start a conversation, so he cleared his throat. “so.. do like staying at our house..?” jihoon awkwardly asked, hyunsuk wanted to laugh, but the atmosphere was not it.

“of course, i really like it.” he smiled, jihoon smiled too, it's as if hyunsuk smiles could just make him smile too. “im glad to hear that.” he chuckled.

hyunsuk and jihoon was now walking down the han river, smiling from ear to ear.

jihoon suddenly stopped, making hyunsuk stop too, while raising a brow.

jihoon looked at him before pointing at the moon, “the moon is beautiful right?” he smiled.

hyunsuk looked at ehat the younger had pointed, smile slowly forming in his lips.

“it's really beautiful...” hyunsuk smiled, jihoon looked at him while grinning. “yeah very beautiful..”

hyunsuk looked at his side, only to realize that jihoon was looking at him. making him blush furiously.

“w-what..?” he looked away, jihoon only smiled at him more. hyunsuk's heart wad beating fast, but what made it even more fast, was what the younger had said next.

“it's beautiful like you.”


just jihoon and hyunsuk hanging out chapter 😋😋 this chapter is kinda boring?? because im trying to make a chapter of them hanging out so it won't be really logic. but thanks for reading!! love lots❤️❤️❤️

–to be continued–

Summer With You | SukhoonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora