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hyunsuk quietly groaned when he heard birds chirping loudly, wait. birds? as far as he remembers, birds don't usually chirp in morning im ms. parks residence.

his eyes went wide open, he quickly sat up when he didn't see his white ceiling, he was about to panic more when he remembered.

“oh right, camping.” he thought, he quickly shook his head, and looked at his side. there, he saw jihoon sleeping peacefully, in his sleeping bag. “how could someone look so charming when sleeping?” he thought, he smiled widely, it was indeed a wonderful sight.

he was about to touch the younger's hair, when a hand suddenly grabbed his wrist, preventing him from touching the younger.

his cheeks heated up when he realized it was jihoon's arm, he looked at him and saw him smiling widely, with his eyes open.

“you're awake now?” jihoon sat up, his hair slightly messy but he looked very pretty.

hyunsuk blushed when he got caught, “early in the morning, and you're blushing. oh God, you're so weak.” he thought. he quickly shook his head aggressively, before flashing the younger a smile.

he nervously chuckled, “y-yeah, im awake.. what time did you wake up..?” he mumbled, but it was heard by jihoon, making him smile.

“hm.. about 6:30 ish, really early to be honest, but i was awake when you were still sleeping cutely in your bag.” he smiled widely, hyunsuk's face flushed at the sudden compliment, he rolled his eyes playfully, before standing up.

“oh, you and your words. i'll be outside if you need me, im going to explore this place.” he beamed, slightly crouching, because he didn't really fit in the tent.

jihoon quickly got up and dashed towards the older. “wait up! im gonna go with you.” he smiled giddily, feeling very excited.

jihoon and hyunsuk stopped at a nearby lake, it was very wide and peaceful to be exact.

hyunsuk's mouth parted as he admire the view in front of him, while jihoon, he was just staring at the older, scanning all of his feature.

his heart started to beat abruptly fast, and his stomach doing very weird things, he found it very disturbing, but he decided to shrug it off, thinking he was just hungry.

“let's eat breakfast now, yeah? we still have to pack.” he stated, hyunsuk took his attention off the lake and looked at jihoon, before nodding.

“sure, im getting hungry.” he rubbed his stomach, jihoon smiled at him, finding it very cute. he ruffled his hair before dragging the boy with his wrist.

“i hope we don't get lost.” jihoon joking said, as he dragged the older, hyunsuk used his other hand to smack the younger's shoulder.

“hey! stop joking around!” he glared at him, jihoon just laughed as a response.

“are you ready to go now?” jihoon asked as he scanned the things inside his car, hyunsuk hummed and nodded his head.

the two of them finished packing now, they decided to go home early since they didn't want ms. park to worry.

hyunsuk sat at the car's shotgun this time, since their things were at the back, meaning he doesn't have space to fit in there.

jihoon smiled at hyunsuk, noticing the older didn't wear his seatbelt, he went towards the older and buckled him up.

hyunsuk froze at the action, his breath hitching as their face was just an inch apart, he bitted his lower lip.

he was afraid that jihoon would hear his heart beating very fast. he looked away not wanting jihoon to see his face heating up.

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