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"fucking hell, yosh! i almost told him i like him! good thing that junkyu guy interrupted, or else it'll be awkward by now." he sighed, yoshi huffed on the other call.

"you could've told him, then he'll know, and if he doesn't like you, then boom! you'll move on, easy." yoshi muttered, hyunsuk rolled his eyes at the statement.

"wow, what a good advice you have." he sarcastically said, making yoshi laugh, before stopping.

"oh! hyunsuk wanna go to a bar?" yoshi suddenly suggested, hyunsuk choked when he heard what he said.

"yoshi, what the fuck?" hyunsuk shivered at the thought, "hey come on! i don't wanna go without you!" yoshi sulked, hyunsuk rolled his eyes, and sighed.

"why do you wanna go anyways? you okay? having a love quarrel with you hwanie?" he emphasized the younger's boyfriend, he scoffed when he didn't hear yoshi speaking.

"okay, where is that boy? if i see him, i will not hesitate to punch him like my life depends on i-" he didn't get to finish, when the younger quickly cutt him off, "don't do that, suk! it's just a simple fight, nothing more. but! it's not like that, i just wanna drink, since our senior year would be starting soon, we won't have time to drink, so yeah. wanna go to a bar?"

hyunsuk huffed when he heard the reason, he sighed again. "sorry yosh, maybe next time? i promise i'll go with you this month, just be patient." he muttered, he already knew yoshi was frowning from the other side of the call.

"it's okay.. just promise me okay! you promised, you can't break that." yoshi mumbled, hyunsuk can already imagine the younger pouting while speaking, he couldn't help but chuckle softly at the younger's cuteness.

"i will.. oh! i gotta go, i just remembered that i'll be going on a late night walk, with me, myself and i. just me, i want to clear my thoughts." he smiled while speaking, he ended the call when he heard yoshi humming.

he changed into more presentable attire, and went downstairs.

while turning the front door knob, someone suddenly patted his shoulder, making him slightly jump. "fuck!" he whispered-yell, he turned around and saw jihoon smiling at him.

"im sorry for scaring you, but where are you going this late at night?" jihoon asked him, his hand still on the older's shoulder.

hyunsuk cleared his throat before speaking, "u-uhm.. just wanna take a late night walk." he reasoned out, suddenly, jihoon's face lightened.

"really? i was about to do that too. wanna walk together..?" jihoon smiled at him softly, hyunsuk looked at jihoon's eyes, making him soft.

"s-sure, i would love too." he sheepishly smiled at the thought, he opened the door with jihoon following him.

they walked around the village, with jihoon's arm around the older's shoulder, and hyunsuk's face bright red.

their footsteps were the only thing that was making a sound, they didn't really talk, since they find the silence really comforting. the moonlight shining.

jihoon secretly stole glances to hyunsuk, who's face was glowing in jihoon's eyes, hyunsuk was beside him, walking with a smile on his face. a small smile slowly crept in his lips.

jihoon stopped on his tracks, when he saw a vending machine. making the older stop too, he looked at him and raised a brow.

"why did you stop, jihoon..?" hyunsuk asked, jihoon looked at him and smiled.

he motioned hyunsuk to follow him, hyunsuk just followed him, while pressing his lips into a thin line.

hyunsuk furrowed his brows when jihoon crouched down infront of a vending machine.

"j-jihoon? what are you doing?" he asked, when he saw jihoon pressing some buttons on the vending machine.

"here, i know you're thirsty." the younger handed him a can of iced coffee, while smiling. the glow of the vending machine, lighting him.

hyunsuk heart fluttered at the sight, his cheeks getting hot. he quickly accepted the offer, before hurriedly looking away, while opening the can.

jihoon who was looking at him, smiled at him fondly. his heart beating abruptly fast, he didn't know what he was feeling but it was surely amazing.

he find hyunsuk kinda cute at the moment. he chuckled before sipping his iced coffee, while smiling.

after drinking, realizing that he was still crouching on the ground, he looked at the older's hands.

he held them, to support himself while standing up back, hyunsuk slightly flinched at the sudden touch, his heart beating very fast.

but what made it beat even more faster, is jihoon not letting go of the hold, instead the younger squeezed his hands.

he looked away, blushing furiously. "j-jihoon..? what are you doing..?" he bitted his lower lip, he looked back and saw jihoon smiling at him.

"holding your hand, of course. let's go now, yeah? it's getting late." jihoon smiled, hyunsuk just slowly nod, letting jihoon drag him. he didn't really mind though, it was kind of comfortable.

they walked home, slowly. jihoon didn't want it to end yet, he enjoyed hanging out with the older, he also enjoyed how his heart beats faster whenever his around the older.

he doesn't really know why he's feeling like this, but probably because he enjoys the older presence? nothing else.

jihoon was now lying down on his bed, he couldn't sleep. he sighed and looked at his side, 3:23 am. and he's still awake. was it because of the coffee?

his mind couldn't stop on thinking many things, and by many things. he meant hyunsuk.

he groaned and ruffled his hair, he sat up, and looked at his door. he sighed before standing up and went downstairs.

he sighed and gulped the water down, he hissed after he drank the water. he might be going crazy just because of hyunsuk.

he sighed, he refuses to believe it.

"do i really like him..?"


HELLO GUYSSS JUST A JIHOON'S PERSPECTIVE SINCE IT WAS ALWAYS HYUNSUK'S. and i noticed that everytime a chapter starts, its always hyunsuk and yoshi calling🧐 but anyways! thank you so much for reading, don't forget to vote!!! i love you all so much!

-to be continued-

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