CHAPTER 23:Victoria

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When we arrived in Poland after a long flight we went straight to Ace's penthouse and when we got there it was huge

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When we arrived in Poland after a long flight we went straight to Ace's penthouse and when we got there it was huge.There was wide windows looking out over Poland and you could see the people and the cars.

"Oh my god its beautiful" I said amazed looking out at the view.

Lucinda walked over beside me and looked out and smiled at the amazing view.
"Isn't it, I've only ever been to Poland once but that was many years ago, I think I was in my early twenties and I was here with my friends after we were finished College and we had the best time"she said smiling.

" I'm sure you must be tired after the long trip, why don't we go and lay down for a while and then we can go shopping and go for dinner in a nice restaurant, I remember one and they had the best food, I don't know if their still open but we can give it a try" she said gathering her bags.

"Yeah we'll do that" I replied getting my bags too and making my way to my room. I was really tired and I needed to freshen up.

After getting changed into something more comfortable I got into bed and went to sleep thinking about Ace and this morning.

An hour later..

When I woke up from a much needed nap I went for a quick shower and put on some light makeup and put back on the clothes from this morning.

Lucinda was in the kitchen drinking a cup of  tea when I came out of the room.

"Hi Lucinda" I said going to get myself a glass of water.

"Hello sweetheart did you get some sleep."

"Yes I did, it was much needed, did you?"

"Yes I did thank you sweetheart, now I was thinking we could go shopping first and then go for dinner."

"Yeah that's perfect" I said getting my handbag.

3 hours later...

We arrived back at the  penthouse a few hours later. We both got some new clothes and we went for dinner in the restaurant she went to when she here before.

Colin came with us and carried all our bags even though we insisted.

Lucinda and I were watching 'The Notebook' on Netflix In our pj's with some Pop corn.

A while later she went to bed, so it was just me watching the movie.I stayed up for a while because I had a long nap today so I wasn't tired. I started rewatching 'The vampire diaries',I'm in love with Damon and Elena, I'm a huge Delena fan.

Colin was still awake too, he was in the kitchen on his phone texting someone.

"Here you go miss" Colin said handing me a glass of water.

"Thank you Colin but there was no need I can get it myself but thank you though" I smiled taking the glass of water from him. I continued watching my show while drinking the glass of water.

"Miss de Luca you have to come with me now, Ace is outside waiting for you" he said a few minutes later.

What? Ace is here

"How is he here I thought he had buissness to do? ", I asked confused.

"'The buissness' has been dealt with, he wants to talk to you downstairs and he wants to now, so get changed quickly and do it quitely because he only wants to speak to you" Colin said impatiently.

"Okay" I said getting up and going to my room getting changed.I was starting to feel a bit light headed but ignored it and got changed. After I got changed I met Colin in The kitchen.

"Let's go then" he said leading me to the door.
I didn't even make it the door when everything went black.

When I woke up I was in a dark room tied up, I had tape on my mouth and I started to panic. Where the hell am I.

I tried to get loose but it was no use. I kept slipping in and out of consciousness,a while later I heard talking and I recognised the voice it was Colin. He must have brought me here and he must have put something in my water.

I hope Lucinda is okay, I should've known this was a trick.

I started to break down, am I ever going to get out of here, what if Ace doesn't find me, what if he had something to do with this.

A few minutes later the door opened and I trembled in fear. The light beaconed the room and I saw the shadow of someone enter the room. I could barely make out their face because of how dark it was. There was only a small bit of light in the room.

"Hello Victoria, its a pleasure to finally meet you. "the stranger said.

I shivered and bowed my head.
"Why am I here and who are you? "I asked sounding hourse.

My name is Simon and I'm the leader of the Spanish mafia he said, after he saw I didnt have a reaction to his little speech he spoke again.

" I see your husband didn't tell you. Ace killed someone who was going to make a very important deal with me and because Ace killed him that deal didn't happen so now he has to pay,our mafias are going to let's put it this way... War."

He must be talking about the guy Ace killed the night we went to the ball.

" What are you gonna do to me? " I asked.

" Darling I'm not going to do anything to you.. Yet. Once Ace finds out you're here he's going to come running... because I don't think he would want to get an innocent little thing killed" he said kneeling down and putting a strand of hair being my ear.

I moved away from his hand and he chuckled.

"Afterall your not really his wife this is all just a little hoaxe."

I looked up at him confused.

"How do you know? "I asked confused.

"My son Colin joined Aces mafia to get information that could be used against Ace and he found out about the contract, about your six month deal to trick his sweet mother Lucinda into believing your actually married...and I must say your doing a great job."

" But anyway your what I call.. bait. He will come running I will kill him and I will have my revenge. "he said walking back and forth across the room.

All of this over a deal he must be a psychopath.

A few minutes later Colin entered the room and whispered something to the man.

Simon smiled and Colin handed him something and left the room.

" It's your lucky day sweetheart, Ace is here."

I sighed in relief. Ace came for me.

"Now before I go I'm going to give you something that will make you sleep  for a while so you don't hear the commotion going on he said holding a needle.

That must be what Colin gave him. Simon moved closer to me and I tried to move away.

" Please Don't" I begged crying.

"It's alright sweetheart it will all be over soon."he said putting the needle in my arm.

A minute later my eyes felt really heavy and everything went black.

The last thing I heard was the door closing.

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