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I can't believe I said" I love you" to Victoria, I have never said that to anyone before and I don't know why I said it

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I can't believe I said" I love you" to Victoria, I have never said that to anyone before and I don't know why I said it.
I probably just said it because my mom was watching. I dont even know.

When I got back from the airport I went to my office to get the plan ready for when the Vincenzo(spanish) mafia decide to attack.
I have my warehouse ready, I have all my weapons and machinery ready to launch attack.

I was going through the underground plans of my warehouse just in case there is any spots where the Vinsenzo's could place missiles and attack us from there.

My phone started ringing and I answered it.

"What" I asked annoyed leaning back into my chair.

"Hello Ace, its certainly good to hear your voice again. "

It was Simon, the leader of the Vinsnzo mafia.

"Simon", I said getting up from my chair and grabbing a bottle of vodka.

Simon chuckled on the other end of the line before speaking again.

" As you know we are about to go into a serious situation... Now I would like to propose an offer... Think of it as a.. relief really.. Hmm, you see I have eyes watching your sweet mother and you little flower which I believe is... Victoria right, such a beautiful name,"he said through the ruffling of paper.

I stopped moving and didn't say anything. Fuck. How does he know where they are I made sure we didn't have any eyes watching.

A second later Simon spoke again.
" You see we could do a trade,you give me Victoria and I stop this war that could let's say.. get very messy for both of us and.. let's be real you don't want that do you Ace?"

I laughed and sat back down on my chair.

"Do you really think I'm going to give Victoria to you, you don't know me at all Simon do you? You must be scared that your going to die because Simon.. you know my past and I have killed alot of people and I show no mercy."

Simon scoffed on the other end of the line.
" Fine no trade but just remember this could have all been resolved, oh and I have been watching Victoria for a long time, she's very beautiful , you chose right even if its a fake marriage.. Yeah I know all about it, I'll see you soon Ace."


How does Simon know about our marriage and that its fake, it doesn't matter anyway, he will be dead soon enough and I have Colin watching Victoria and mom. Colin joined my mafia a few months ago he is very well trained so he can protect them.

The next day...

When I got up from a very sleepless night I called Colin to make sure that Victoria and my mom are safe. Colin said they are going shopping today.

I thought about yesterday and how i said goodbye to Victoria.

Its different with her but I know I can't have her.

She wants to go home and back to her old life and when she does I'll forget about her but for now I have to make sure she is safe because I would never forgive myself if something happened to her because I brought her into her life.

When I got changed into my plain black suit I went to my office to make sure I don't have any danger alerts on my computer.


There was nothing on my computer it's weird it's too..quiet. I checked again a while later.I opened up the alert and It was a picture of a women who was tied and had tape on her mouth.

I would know her from anywhere it was Victoria.

I stared at the picture for a few seconds not being able to process that the Vinsenzos had taken Victoria.
I didn't get it Colin was there with her but then it hit me Colin must be the mole. I'm gonna fucking kill him.

Victoria looks so scared, she is looking up at the celing with teary eyes. Simon must have taken this from security footage.

I called Massimo quickly to get everyone ready to attack and I went down to my weapons room and got my armour on and got my guns and put them in my back pocket.

When everyone gathered in the room I told them the plan and where everyone was situated.

"Be careful when shooting because Victoria could be there, and make sure to get her out safely. We don't have time for mistakes, everyone must be prepared for anything that could happen now let's not waste time let's go."I said quickly and sternly.

When we were on the jet to go to Spain all I thought of was Victoria and my mom. I have some of my men flying to Poland to check if my mom is there.

What if something happens to them. Their all I have,except Felix , he's my little brother but he's never here. He's in the mafia too, he's a spy. Felix gathers information from people and reports back to me.

He's spying on Victorias friend Brie at the moment making sure she doesn't go to the cops, because if she did then that would cause problems and then I would have to kill her.

Felix helped me kill Lorenzo so he's laying low for now but not for long. I'm gonna Kill Simon and get back Victoria and my mom and everything is gonna be fine.

"We've landed boss" Massimo said with his gun ready.

"Okay let's go"

I'm coming...

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