CHAPTER 7:The Ball

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The ride to the ball was super awkward

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The ride to the ball was super awkward. Me and Ace didn't say anything to each other, but I liked it that way, it gave me more time to think about what I'm gonna do when we get there.

I could try and get away from Ace and ask someone for help.

I just know I need go home, I have to find Brie because she's all I have. My parents died when I was 5 years old, and my older brother Elijah left 5 years ago when I was 18 and I haven't seen him since then .

He was 21 when he left me and I have no idea where he is.I miss him so much, I hope I will see him again one day.

"We're here" Ace said with a tone. I looked over at Ace and he was back to his usual self he looked annoyed, Well it was nice while it lasted.

A man came over and opened our doors.
"Thank you" I said and he smiled and walked away. I looked at the house and It was incredible.

It looked so nice

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It looked so nice. There was a pool with water coming up from it, I was so in awe of the house I didn't realise I was smiling.

"That's the first time I've seen you smile since Ive met you " Ace said to me.

"Well you kidnapped me and drugged me two times." I said back to him.

"Yeah I suppose that's fair". He held out his hand to me wanting me to take it. I was reluctant to take it but I did. When we went inside of the house it was even more beautiful.

"ACE IS THAT YOU!", Some man shouted and came over and shook hands with Ace

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"ACE IS THAT YOU!", Some man shouted and came over and shook hands with Ace.

"I dont believe it, it's been ages since I last saw you", he laughed at ace.

"I've Been very busy with the mafia" Ace said to him.

"Yeah I suppose, buissness these days right" he winked looking at Ace.

He then looked at me "Who's this beuitaful young women" he asked.

"My name is Victoria nice to meet you".

"That's a lovely name, my name is Lucus nice to meet you too", Marianne come over here and see Ace and his girl".

I tensed up as soon as he said that , I could tell Ace did too as he had his seriously pissed off face on. I ignored him and looked at Marianne, she walked over and kissed Lucus on the cheek before looking at me and Ace.

"Hello Ace it's great to see you again and who's this " she asked looking at me.

"This is Victoria" replied Ace.

"It's lovely to meet you Victoria my name is Marianne."

"Its lovely to meet you too" ,I replied.

I wonder if Lucus is in the mafia too.

"Well we better get going we have other people to see and buisseness to discuss, "he winked at Ace.

He's totally in the mafia too. Shit. My plan has gone to shit. I will have to think of something else and fast.

When Lucus and Marianne left, Ace and I went to the ballroom, there was a huge table with champagne, wine and fruits. There was waiters going around to everyone with drinks. Everyone looks so intimidating.

I need to find a way to get away from Ace. I can say I'm going to the bathroom or something. I will do it later because the party is only starting and he will get suspicious If I go now.

Music started playing and everyone joined up together and started dancing.

"Come on dance with me, love."

I hesitated but I said "Okay" and linked arms with him.

We joined the dance floor with everyone. Ace took my hand and put his other hand around my waist and I felt his cold touch vibrating through my body,I put my hand on his shoulder and we danced to the music.

"You still haven't told me why you took me" I said staring into his eyes.

He didn't say anything for a few seconds but just stared into my eyes.

"Well your about to find out, come with me", he said taking my hand and leading me down a hall and into a room.

"Why are we in here." I asked getting a little scared.

"Well, I have to tell you why I took you and I thought I should tell you In private."

" Okay so tell me" I ordered nervously.

"I need you to be my wife, " Ace said calmly.

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