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6. Rumor


The sudden stories of past Dream ran like wildfire around the place. Michael didn't really say anything, not wanting to cause any trouble so he went back to his home where he was still settling in but Connor on the hand was a different story.

As much as Connor was an observer he was also known to be quite the gossiper. The amount of times that he told stories of other people like when he spread the gossip about Quackity and Wilbur at Niki's birthday party or when Karl, Quackity and Sapnap got engaged.

The others knew that no matter how crazy Connor's stories were, they were true, but this new one? The one with Dream's past they didn't know if they should believe it.

"Are you shitting me Connor? Of all the things you could have told us, this is the most unbelievable-" "I swear on my sonic onesie, I am not lying." Connor cut Tubbo off.

The shorter young man snickered and sent a look to his partner, the half enderman sighed and looked at the gossiper. "Are you absolutely sure about this?" Ranboo asked.

Connor scoffed, "I wouldn't have told Tommy-" "You told Tommy?!" the Beloved asked. Connor nodded, "It's the fastest way to get the news out." He said.

"Oh this is bad." "Why?" "Because once Dream finds out we're all dead."


Whispers were passed around when Sapnap was walking through the prime path. He was looking for Karl who was looking for a sleep walking George when he heard Punz and Jack talking.

"Apparently so, it's real like why would he have that poppy-" "What are you two gossiping about?" Sapnap cut Jack off.

"Sapnap. You're far from home." Punz said making the brunette snicker, "Am I not allowed to be here?" he asked.

Punz shrugged, "I don't know. What brings you here?" he asked. "Just looking for Karl and George. Now what are you two talking about?" he asked.

Punz hummed, "Well apparently Foolish spilled some beans when he was drunk." He said. This statement made Sapnap to raise his eyebrow at him but didn't try to stop him from telling the story.

"Dream has this girl from his past that he values and is important-" "A leaverage..." Sapnap muttered. "What?" Jack asked.

Sapnap shook his head and waved away, "Uh- I gotta go. Make sure that George doesn't wander that far." He said hurrying away.

Punz watched as he walked away when Jack looked at him, "Was it a mistake to tell him that?" "Maybe but we can't really do anything about it can we?"

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