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18. First Meeting


Dream felt himself be pushed to a tree. Looking forward he saw Karl.

"Remember, you can't show yourself to her or anyone." The traveler said. The blonde nodded prompting Karl to let go of him.

They peered out of the tree to see a young Dream picking out some apples.

Present Dream felt his heart race at the sound of the familiar humming. He knew that tune with his whole heart.

And like before, younger Dream noticed younger Faye and talked to her.

As Dream watched, he thanked the heavens that he did talk to her. That despite his nerves and overthinking, he was glad he talked to Faye that day.

He felt himself smile when Faye skipped away and young him jumped down to run after her.

He leaned on the tree and sat down. Closing his eyes as Karl watched him intently.

Karl didn't know what to expect, he didn't trust Dream fully but he witnessed their first meeting he just knew.

The traveler felt the connection. He didn't know what it was called but he noticed it. There was that connection between the two. The same one he felt when Faye was on her death bed.

As they heard a splash on the water, Karl knew they had to go. In the past they had only been there for a while but in the present they had been gone way too long.

He placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder and he looked up at him. "I'm sorry. We have to go." Karl said.

Dream hummed and nodded, "Yeah. Yeah okay." He said and grabbed Karl's hand as they travelled back to their timeline.


Dream was escorted back in his cell by Sam. Sapnap, Karl and George alongside Tommy and Tubbo watched as he walked back inside.

The rumor mill churned again when they all heard that Dream willingly agreed to be locked up.

Some thought it was a plan, that he was playing with everyone but for George and Sapnap, they believed it. Karl most definitely.

Dream sat on his chair as Sam placed a clock on the wall. "I uh- fixed the hole and Sapnap and Karl asked about the whole garden thing, me and the others will talk about it-" "Thanks Sam. Just tell me what you guys agree upon I think I- I think I want to be alone."

Sam stared at him and frowned but nodded. Jumping back on the platform, he left the blonde alone. The lava starting to cover the box of obsidian once more.

When Dream felt the familiar warmth of the lava around his cold cell. He laid on his bed and pulled out the only thing that was allowed for him to bring inside.

The once magically alive and red poppy was now wilted and gray.

He sighed but placed it under his pillow like he once did when it was alive.

He stared at the ceiling and hummed the familiar tune. He didn't know if he was going crazy but he agreed to be locked up back inside his prison because he felt as though it would be easier.

It would be easier to stare at the black obsidian walls that wander out there with everything reminding him of how Faye was dead.

At least inside his cell, he can reminisce the good memories. And that was what he was doing.

Closing his eyes and letting the memories play in his head. His fairy. Faye. His humanity and sanity deeply engraved in his head like she always have and always will be.

-the end-

poppy | a dreamwastaken lore storyWhere stories live. Discover now