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14. Dying


Faye flew as quick as she can, dodging the fireballs that the rouge blazes threw at her.

She tried to save as much as she could, leading the young ones through the secret passage her and George would escape through as a child. As George led the elderly out the other pathway to the river.

She only had one more house to save. Busting through the door, she flew up the burning stairs, making sure her wings won't get burnt.

Kicking down the door, she was too late, there the king and queen's windows were broken through; they jumped.

Looking out she saw them. Hand in hand, eyes open and lifeless. Her heart broke as the ceiling started to fall.

Slipping through the cracks of the window, she screamed as a glass scraped a part of her wing and she fell on the ground next to the dead queen. Her consciousness waining, the last thing she heard was George yelling her name.


Faye sighed as she opened her eyes. Sitting up as she coughed,small specks of her magic falling on the bed she had been staying in for years.

Her and George had been moving from place to place for years. She was hidden from his friends, seeing as someone had to take care of his people.

George was young when his parents died, therefore he didn't know how to lead them.

He left the responsibility to Faye who was happy enough to serve the last living mushroom royalty.

But one day George came up to her saying he was to introduce him to two people.

Following him, she was led to a once was a still being constructed Kinoko Kingdom. There she met Sapnap, a closed off white bandana wearing young man. She thought of him as the military man, thinking more of their safety than spending time with them.

She also met a young man called Karl Jacobs. She was closer to Karl than Sapnap. Even though the two were engaged, Sapnap opted on living with George while Karl wanted to share his mushroom home with Faye.

Their lives were simple, living in their humble country with what was left of the mushroom population that George was leading.

Faye helped around, never once leaving the country, not wanting a repeat of what happened in the past.

She stood up from the bed, her wings fluttering preventing her feet to touch the ground.

She hugged herself as she walked out the mushroom house. A cough escaping her lips again.

She was greeted by a couple of people. Waving at Tina and Callahan who moved next door.

"Faye." Karl said as he walked out the portal near their home.

"Karl. You're back early." She said with a hoarse voice making him frown. "You should be resting." He said with worry.

Karl, with his travels knew all about fairies and their short lifespan. "I don't like resting." She muttered.

"Nightmares?" Karl asked. She nodded, he sighed and grabbed her hand gently, "Well then maybe visiting George will help." He said.

She smiled and nodded, "Probably, if he isn't still sleeping." She joked making him giggle.

The two travelled slowly to the bigger mushroom house. Walking in they expected it to be Sapnap rustling in the library and George snoring but they were wrong.

"It seems he had lied to us George-" "He lied about a lot of things." George cut Sapnap off.

"The rumors seem as though its her. It could be her, you said she would disappear and run off the woods." Sapnap said.

George scoffed, "So what if it is her? What's he gonna do about it? He doesn't even know that she's alive." George muttered.

"He could come here and destroy everything George. He could come here and kill her." Sapnap argued. "Who's coming here and who's getting killed?" Karl finally asked.

George and Sapnap turned to them, seeing Karl and Faye there. The mushroom prince gulped and looked at his best friend as she tilted her head. "Is there something I could do to help?" she asked.

Sapnap shook his head, "No. You need to rest-" "If there is a threat, I am here. I am the protector of these people-" "You're dying. That's what you are Faye. You're not dying today." George cut her off.

She sighed and shook her head. The three boys that became a huge part of her life were very protective of her. Seeing as she was the only fairy left, one of her kind, she was one of the most desired magic weilders around.

Whether that may be for selifish reasons or they actually care, she was thankful but it was her job.

She stared at George, she was loyal to George, as she always had been ever since her mother died.

"George." "Come on, back to be for you." He said. She scoffed but followed, interlacing her pinky with his as they walked away.

The fiances watching them and when they were out of hearing range Sapnap turned to Karl. "You know don't you." He said.

Karl sighed, "I know pieces-" "Why didn't you tell me?" "Sapnap if you just listened to her stories and the stories you would tell me about Dream, you would have connected the dots that Faye was always the sanity that he was talking about."

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