Calum sighed and opened his. He rolled his eyes then read it aloud. "'The social scene can be fun today'," he said sarcastically. "Bullshit." He crumpled his paper and threw it on the table.

"How about yours, Heart?" Luke asked.

I shrugged and pulled out the paper. "'You are open and honest in your philosophy of love'." I rolled my eyes. "These things are just lying to you."

"I think they're true. I mean, now I have an excuse when I don't turn in my homework," Vance said.

"That was advice, not a fortune," I stated.

"Anyway," Luke said opening his own. "'You attract cultured and artistic people'."

"Who would that be exactly?" Mikey asked, batting his eye lashes. I threw the other half of my fortune cookie at him to stop that.

He shrugged. "Ash can play drums and Calum is good with computers. You . . . You have colorful hair, Mikey."

"In other words, that's as artistic as you're going to be," Vance snickered.

"Shut it," Mikey said, shoving him.

"So what's after high school for us?" Ash asked. Leave it to Ashton to be serious.

"I'm going to the college around here. Staying close to my girl," Mikey said, wrapping his arm around Piper.

"I'm going to NYU," Luke said.

"I'm going to back to Texas, take over my families cafe, then go to college around there," Vance said.

"L?" Ash nudged me.

"I haven't really thought about it," I shrugged, eating the rest of my cookie.

"Well, I'm going to UCLA. Beach, girls-"

"And debt," I butted in. "You know how much college is going to cost? You can kiss your beach and girls goodbye."

"You're such a downer," he muttered, crossing his arms.

I held my hands up in surrender. "I'm just warning you. College is a hell a lot of money and if you think you'll be having parties every night, you're wrong. You'll be paying loans and bills."

"She's here," Calum said. We snapped our heads to see Lulu standing in line with the walking bitch. "Is it just me or did someone stab me in the heart?"

"It's just you," I muttered, getting up to go over to them. "Did you not understand what I told you today?" I snapped at Max.

Lulu put her hand on my shoulder. "Lola-"

I brushed her off. "I told you to stay away, especially from her."

"Can I explain?" He asked.

"No, I want you to stay away from us. Don't you get it? You ruined everything for us."

Lulu groaned and pulled us outside of the establishment. "You're causing a scene," she said, letting go of me.

"I wouldn't have to if this guy stops ruining our lives," I snapped.

"It wasn't my fault," he snapped.

"Are you seriously that stupid? You broke my sisters heart. You started that fight in the hallways that got the boys suspended. And you got Lulu to break up with Calum. I don't know what your goal is, but you better stay away from us."

"I didn't mean to do any of that."

I crossed my arms. "Then why did you do it?"

"Lola, please let him explain?" Lulu said.

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