More Batman, Steven and Garnet Voice Lines!

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"I hope you had a good morning. Now, back to the plan." 

"This is the time of day Alfred would start hounding me to eat something." 

"You're working late."

"Night owl, huh? Me, too." 

"I prefer the nighttime, don't you?." 

"I don't want to hear anything about jingle bells." 

"Wow... is it that time of year already?"

"Happy Holidays."

"Alfred would always decorate the manor this time of year, and every year, I pretend I don't like it." 

"I heard it's your Birthday, now what's up?"

"It's your Birthday, right? Happy Birthday."

"Have I ever told you about the time the Joker threw me a Birthday party? Hard to eat cake after that..."

Bro, they have no business making Batman this wholesome in this game. It's like he's the Batman from Arkham Asylum, you know, the one who occasionally chuckles and has a sense of humor. It's so heartwarming to have Batman say Happy Birthday to you!

Now... onto Garnet's lines about dissing Batman:


"Right in the Bat-face!"

"Batman handled."

"Your gadgets are no match for me."

"Maybe you should Bat-surrender."

"Batman, I think you just might need a hug..."

"I think you're just mad 'cause you're single~!" [FUCK OFF!]

"You've got a cool cape, but an un-cool attitude." 

"Oh, look, a rich selfish man in a cape." 

"No matter how many gadgets you have, none will be enough to stop me."

"I've heard of you, Batman. Defeating you will be an honor."

"Time to find out if you're as good as they say, Batman."

"Those gadgets of yours are tricky."

"I underestimated you, Batman."

"Fasten your cape! I'm back!"

"Hmm... you clearly know many martial arts."

"Go back to your Man-Cave."

"Time to go back in your Bat-Car and drive away."

"Maybe you'll pack the right gadgets next time."

Bitch please, Batman from Arkham Knight would rape you and break you harder than Bane ever broke him.

Garnet wishes you/teammate Happy Birthday:


"I see it's your Birthday. I hope it's agreeable, my age is an illusion. So I do not need to celebrate my birthday. I hope yours is wonderful, though. I hope we're back in time for Steven's next Birthday."

Steven's Lines:

Batman Meets Steven (Batman/Steven Universe Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora