Chapter 19: Changes

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3rd Person P.O.V.

1 year and 2 months after Pink Diamond returned to Earth

White Diamond sits on her chair, staring off into space. Over the past year has been slow, why? Hundreds of years would pass when she blinks, but one year felt like an eternity.

Was it because of these new changes and regulations? Was because of Pink? Was it because of Wayne?

These thoughts clouded her mind, she hasn't done her reports in weeks. The reports mean nothing, they're just what humans consider busywork and paperwork that has no meaning or value. What was the point in doing them?

What was the point of anything anymore? Era-1 was about building the foundation of what made Homeworld great and it was sudden over and everything changed from the shattering of Pink Diamond. Then, Era-2 formed and it was the darkest era for gem kind.

Then Steven Universe and the Batman came and changed everything and it all started over again. Is this some neverending game? Is something else going to happen and then they have a Era-4?

It all confuses her and she's supposed to know what to do, she's the most perfect gem in existence. Nobody can know what she's thinking. It's a good thing she's the only gem who can read minds.

She needed to figure out what to do with herself now. Era-3 eliminated anything that stands out to be perfect since all gems are equal. It's so weird that a Diamond would need to figure out what to do with herself since they're supposed to know what to do.

They run the gem race for stars sake! She leaves her room and her pearl is the first to notice.

(White's Pearl) My Diamond, where are you going?

(White Diamond) I'm... taking a walk. I need to think.

(White's Pearl) Very well, my Diamond. Shall I accompany you?

(White Diamond) No. I... I need to do this alone...

This confused the pearl. This is something Pink Diamond would do.

(White's Pearl) V-Very well, my Diamond.

White walked outside on the balcony and leaned on the railing. She looks at the civilization beneath her. All the gems looked happy, like they know what to do with themselves, but not her.

She looked away, jealous that the gems are happy. Why isn't she happy? Why is she even feeling this way?

She goes to Yellow's room and knocked on the door. The door opens and it is Yellow's pearl.

(Yellow Pearl) Oh, it's you. Come on in.

She saluted the Diamond and allowed her in the room.

(Yellow Pearl) My Diamond, you have a visitor.

Yellow looks over her shoulder while she's sitting, and immediately turned around to face her.

(Yellow Diamond) White! What are you doing here?

She detected slight fear in Yellow's voice. White tried to figure out why she would think that, but them remembered she never leaves her room to congregate with the other Diamonds unless she's issuing an order or if they're in trouble.

(White Diamond) I'm checking on you...

That confused Yellow.

(Yellow Diamond) Checking on me? What's the occasion?

She took off her helmet and started to clean it.

(White Diamond) Can I be honest with you?

(Yellow Diamond) Sure.

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