Chapter 5: Injustice

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There's cut content for this Chapter. You can find it at the end of this Chapter.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Steven was transported to a room after he was taken to Homeworld by Aquamarine and Topaz. However, Steven realized not all the kidnapped humans were rescued. Lars was still on the ship when Steven surrendered, he was hiding.

This felt like a massive punch to the gut for him. The only reason why he's here is to safe him and everyone else, yet Lars ruined it a little bit. Steven hasn't seen him since.

He hopes they haven't killed him, that blood would be on his hands. He's the reason why his friends got kidnapped in the first place, at least, that's what he thinks. He's responsible for Lars' well being.

Right now, he doesn't know what to do or where to go, there's nothing in the room, nothing! But the door opens up.

(Blue Zircon) This ridiculous! 4000 years of loyal service to the court, and this is what I get? Oh, I'm the unluckiest zircon in the galaxy. (gasp) Wait, are you… Rose Quartz?

(Steven) Yeah.

(Blue Zircon) Really?

(Steven) It’s a long story.

(Blue Zircon) Then I don’t have time for it. Ugh! We only have this brief moment to prepare you're case.

(Steven) Case?

(Blue Zircon) Ugh! Who am I kidding?! This is pointless! We’ve all heard the rumors about the demise of Pink Diamond, but I can’t believe these files! Shattered by one of her own soldiers, HA! In front of her entire entourage! And look at you now, that ridiculous disguise is only going to make you look more guilty!

(Steven) That’s fine, because I am!

(Blue Zircon) Well, don't say that! Especially not when you’re out there!

(Steven) Out where?! What’s going to happen?!

(Blue Zircon) What did you think was going to happen, Rose Quartz?! As soon as that door opens, you’re going on trial!

The door opens.

(Steven) Uh oh…

In the courtroom.

Lights illuminated and another zircon appeared.

(Green Zircon) Defending a rebel? Isn’t that… treason? (chuckles)

(Blue Zircon) I was assigned to this!

Lights illuminated once again, revealing two figures.

(Yellow Pearl) All rise for the luminous Yellow Diamond!

(Blue Pearl) And the lustrous Blue Diamond.

Once again, lights glow and appear the conquerors themselves, With Yellow Diamond being 6’2” and Blue Diamond exactly six feet tall.

(Blue Diamond) Where is the accused?

She sounds confused, not expecting what she sees in front of her.

(Yellow Diamond) Is that Rose Quartz?

She looks at Steven.

(Yellow Diamond) Look at this hideous form she’s taken. Forget the trial, we should shatter her just for looking at that.

(Blue Diamond) No, I want to hear her make her case. I want to know what she thinks we’re going to do with her, because I want to do something worse.

She coldly says while giving Steven a death glare. Yellow would normally be impressed with her intimidation, but her lust for Rose Quartz shattered blinds her from her proudness of Blue. Steven is more scared than he’s ever been before, now he has an idea on what the criminals feel when Batman is hunting them.

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