Chapter 23: Trust

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3rd Person P.O.V.


It's been a week after the mess with Spinel and she's doing fine on Earth with Steven. Not too good since Pink is there. Batman was called to Homeworld by the three Diamonds just to talk.

It was an odd gesture of them to call him just for that. They normally call him for meetings or when there's trouble. He equiped his suit and was on his way.

He walks into the Diamond Authority room and the three Diamonds and Alison were the only gems in the room. Not the other pearls, just the Diamonds and Alison.

(Batman) What's this about?

(White Diamond) We noticed something interesting about your old suit. Alison discovered it, actually.

White held his cowl to the suit he wore before he got his new one.

(Batman) What is it?

(Yellow Diamond) There's a certain feature inside the cowl that intrigues us.

Alison put the cowl on and pressed a button on the side of it. The eye holes of the cowl she's wearing glew white.

(Yellow Diamond) That. It shows a new perspective when activated to the wearer.

(Blue Diamond) What is it?

(Batman) It's Detective Mode. It's meant to help me scan and locate humans, gems, items, objects and things that can't be seen naturally.

Each of the Diamonds took turns wearing the cowl, seeing what Batman sees when he activates Detective Mode. First it was Blue, then White and it ended with Yellow, who still has the cowl on (she took off her helmet before equipping the cowl).

(Yellow Diamond) Surprising that human technology could ever have this. And here I thought their technology was primitive.

(White Diamond) It's very, very interesting to have.

(Blue Diamond) Can you tell us how to make it, please?

(Batman) It doesn't require materials on Homeworld. It can only be made on Earth.

(Yellow Diamond) Could you create something like that for us?

(Batman) It would be difficult. I could only create a pair of goggles for the three of you. Remember, it's not a toy to play with.

(White Diamond) Very well.

(Batman) I'll get back to you.

(White Diamond) Another thing.

(Batman) What?

(White Diamond) Could you... remove your mask?

(Blue Diamond) We recently learned from Alison that's not your real face.

(Yellow Diamond) It would be an honor to see your real face.

He didn't know whether to do it or not. They know his real name, and they wouldn't tell anyone else. But taking off his mask would be a sign of trust.

Does he trust them? Not very much because of their past, but he trusts them enough to at least talk to them sometimes. The one Diamond he trusts the most, which isn't much but better than a little, is White Diamond.

It's mainly because she promised not to tell the others about his hallucination. He sighed.

(Batman) Fine...

He pressed a button and his mask loosened up to where he can take it off like a helmet. He takes it off to reveal his true face. The three Diamonds were taken aback from how he acted looked.

Batman Meets Steven (Batman/Steven Universe Crossover)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें