Headcanons - ♥MHA boys♥

Start from the beginning

- Probably has basic toys but nothing super interesting

- Aftercare will be playing videogames lol

- Kinks: Begging, bondage, praising/degrading (whichever you want)

Eijiro Kirishima: 

- Bi

- He/him

- Username: thered_rock 

- Will have a joint insta with you though: rock_and_pebble (yes)

- Loves horror movies but will honestly watch whatever you want

- Has the best snacks for movie night

- Doesn't have pets but wants a dog

- Top (no questions)

- Has toys - probably handcuffs (i told you he's a top)

- Aftercare is 100% though (he luvs you and wants to make you comfy)

- Cuddles you to sleep

- Kinks: Mommy, daddy, bondage, light begging, praising

Koji Koda:

- No one knows who he likes (probably hiding the fact he is a simp)

- Maybe pan (but is really nervous to ask anyone out)

- He/they or they/them

- Username: shy_koda (may not have insta though, you have to convince him to get it)

- Hates horror movies but will suffer through them for you

- Makes the best food

- Obviously has a ~ahem~ couple of pets

- Bottom (he'll top if you want but he will be uncomfy or nervous to)

- Doesn't know what a toy is

- Likes cuddling with you though

- Kinks: maybe a mommy kink but may not know it

Hanta Sero:

- In between straight and bi

- He/him

- Username: sticky_tape

- Likes horror movies but will jump at scary parts

- Still will act like he is not scared

- Knows great takeout places

- Probably doesn't have pets but likes animals

- Switch (Honestly he doesn't really care as long as its with you)

- Hides a couple toys under his bed but probably doesn't know how to use them

- Fine aftercare (you will probably watch a movie and fall asleep)

- Kinks: Bondage, begging, degrading

Shoto Todoroki:

- Pan

- He/they 

- Username: half_n_half (you had to convince him to get an insta and he immediatly liked all of your pictures)

- Is okay with horror movies but would rather watch something else

- Is an amazing cook though

- Probably has a cat or two (calm pet person)

- Switch but is pretty comfortable topping

- I'm guessing he knows what toys he wants to use but doesn't say anything

- Aftercare is amazing though

- Shower/bath, gives you like ten hoodies, does your hair or play with your hair while it dries, watches a movie and falls asleep cuddling

- Kinks: Mommy, daddy, praising, light bondage

Katsuki Bakugo:

- bi (embarrassed to admit it at first)

- He/him probably (maybe he/they)

- Username: king_explosion_murder

- Love horror movies and FORCES you to watch them

- Makes really good food 

- Plays with your hair while you watch, may style it

- Wants a cat if he doesn't have one

- Will come over just to see your cat (if you have one)

- Top (doesn't let you top unless you defeat him in BATTLE)

- Doesn't own toys (but will buy some)

- Aftercare is pretty good though he probably just doesn't know what to do lol

- Kinks: Mommy, degrading, bondage, begging, (hes up for trying anything though, and I mean ANYTHING) (just doesn't want to hurt you, yk?)

Izuku Midoriya:

- Pan (he just loves everyone yk)

- He/they

- Username: strong_deku

Hates horror movies

- You will have to comfort him because if you want to watch one, he will watch one

- Switch 

- Doesn't have toys but will buy them for you

- Kinks: Overstimulation, mommy, praising,


A/N: Hope you enjoyed. This is my first headcanon so if I missed anything or if something is wrong, please let me know! 

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