Chapter 1

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The shadowy depths swallow her whole as she drifts lower and lower. The seaweed brushing her arms and legs softly, welcoming her home.

She gives up her fighting, closing her eyes. Letting her last breath go, the bubbles float back to the surface, becoming the last sign of life the onlookers will see.

A bright light flashes through the sea. The shine burning through her eyelids and scorching her skin. The currents dance around her cooling her wounds. The light only lasts a split second before the sea turns back to its usual dark and gloomy shade.

All of a sudden, the sharp pain in her lungs disappears, the strain in her limbs eases, the darkness clouding her vision lightens. As Seren floats there in shock she slowly peels her eyes open, the lasting effects of the light forcing her to adjust before she can make out her surroundings.

Seaweed floats around her, tickling her as it moves through the currents. Fish swim by, unaware of her unnatural presence in their environment. As she looks around, she spots two creatures swimming towards her. Two people?

If they were people, she must be imagining it. No one could possibly survive down here. Or she was dead. That was a very strong possibility.

She heard them mumbling as they came toward her. "Another child." The bitterness reaped through the woman's "An innocent, naïve child, incapable of harm, thrown overboard to her death. This is the third one so far."

Seren floats there locked in place by fear and confusion. These people had tails like a fish. They both looked at her, pity leaking through their stoic gaze.

One of them slowly swam toward her. They had a deep blue tail with patches of aquamarine, sandy blonde hair and deep blue eyes. "Hello, little one. My name is Delyth, may I ask what your name is?"

She didn't know what to say. Could she say anything? They were underwater, how could she say anything without drowning.

"S-Seren" she tries. The two of them smile at her.

"And what age are you Seren?" this time the woman spoke. She had long, flowing auburn hair and a bright magenta tail.


She saw a flash of sadness through the woman's eye before she abruptly turned away. Delyth comforts her before turning back to Seren. In their soft voice they ask, "Seren, we have a very important question for you. Is that ok?"

She nods.

"Good. Have you ever seen a mermaid before?" She shakes her head.

"Well, now you have." He says with a chuckle. She smiles back at him, confusion flooding her brain. She didn't know why but she felt in her gut that these two 'people' were trustworthy.

"Seren, would you like to become a mermaid? You can of course, say no, but I think you know what will happen if you do."

Seren glanced down towards the dark depths. Even at the age of seven, she knew how quickly and painfully someone can die in the ocean. The water in your lungs, and lack of air slowly drowning you. The cold darkness surrounding you.

"Yes." She whispers.

They smile at her. A true, genuine happiness brimming from their eyes.

Out of nowhere, the water starts to get warmer around her. Her skin shimmers from beneath her shirt. Seaweed flies in from all directions and twists around and around her legs. She expects to be dragged to the salty depths. This whole interaction, a trap, but it only holds her there, her legs bound together.

Abright blue light shines from beneath the seaweed, blinding her. When she turnsback the seaweed has fallen away, and her legs are gone. A scaly, sage greentale is left in their place.

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